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Korean grammar '-ㄴ 지/은 지' 1. Explanation : '-ㄴ 지/은 지' is an expression indicating the passage of time regarding a certain action. It is attached after a verb, and is used to indicate the time has passed after doing something. '-ㄴ 지' conjugates with vowel ending verbs or consonant 'ㄹ' ending verbs. However '-은 지' conjugates with consonant ending verbs. Let's look at examples. 2. Examples  ARMY가 된 지 5년이 됐어요. (It has been 5.. 2024. 6. 26.
Korean grammar '-고 말다.' 1. Explanation : '-고 말다.' is expression that something finally happend or ahcieved something at the end. You can use this expression that indicates something eventually happend. And when you feel disappointed or satisfied as things progress differently than expected. Or you can express that achieve something through hard work by using this. You can add particle '-겠-' between '말-' and '-다.' for i.. 2024. 6. 26.
Korean grammar '-마다' 1. Explanation : '-마다' is a particle that indicates every single meaning without exception. You can conjugates this grammar with all kinds of nouns. 2. Examples 2호선 지하철은 3분마다 와요. (The subway line 2 comes every 3 minutes.)  *분 counter for minutes  1) A word '분' is a noun  2) It conjugates with '-마다'  3) 3분마다  학생마다 좋아하는 과목이 달라요. (Each student has a different favorite subject.)  *학생 a student  1) A.. 2024. 6. 21.
Korean grammar '- 밖에' 1. Explanation : '- 밖에' is a particle that indicates we can only choose the specific option. It is attached to nouns and indicates that there is no choice or it is the only choice that we can choose. It must be used with negative words. So you can use '- 밖에' with '안-', '못-', '-없다.', '-모르다.' and so on. You can conjugates this grammar with all kinds of nouns. However, you should add a space betwee.. 2024. 6. 20.
Korean grammar '-ㅂ니까?/습니까?' 1. Explanation : '-ㅂ니까?/습니까?' is an ending particle that indicates asking a question formally. It asks certain facts. It is the most formal ending paricle in the question. So, in formal situation, speakers can use it to ask current situations or actions to listeners. You can easily listen this ending particle in news, official broadcasts, job interview, conference, meeting and so on.  This endin.. 2024. 6. 17.
Korean grammar '-ㅂ니다./습니다.' 1. Explanation : '-ㅂ니다/습니다.' is an ending particle that describes the action or state formally. It indicates the ending particle explain actions, states or facts. It is the most formal ending paricle in the statement. So, in formal situation, speakers can use it to explain current situations or actions to listeners. You can easily listen this ending particle in news, official broadcasts, confere.. 2024. 6. 17.