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Korean Grammar

Korean grammar '-ㄴ 지/은 지'

by jeongussaem 2024. 6. 26.

Korean language #50 '-ㄴ 지/은 지'


1. Explanation

 : '-ㄴ 지/은 지' is an expression indicating the passage of time regarding a certain action. It is attached after a verb, and is used to indicate the time has passed after doing something. '-ㄴ 지' conjugates with vowel ending verbs or consonant 'ㄹ' ending verbs. However '-은 지' conjugates with consonant ending verbs. Let's look at examples.


2. Examples

  ARMY가 된 지 5년이 됐어요. (It has been 5 years since I became an ARMY.)

 *되다 to become

  1) A verb stem is '되-'

  2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅚ'

  3) It conjugates with '-ㄴ 지'

  4) 된 지


 여행을 간 지 2주가 지났어요. (It has been 2 weeks since I went on a trip.)

 *가다 to go

  1) A verb stem is '가-'

  2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅏ'

  3) It conjugates with '-ㄴ 지'

  4) 간 지


 영화가 시작한 지 1분도 지나지 않았어요. (I hasn't been even a minute since the movie started.)

 *시작하다 to start

  1) A verb stem is '시작하-'

  2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅏ'

  3) It conjugates with '-ㄴ 지'

  4) 시작한 지


 손목 수술한 지 3년이 됐어요. (It has been 3 years since I got wrist surgery.)

 *수술하다 to get surgery

  1) A verb stem is '수술하-'

  2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅏ'

  3) It conjugates with '-ㄴ 지'

  4) 수술한 지


 밥을 먹은 지 1시간 됐어요. (It has been 1 hour since I had a meal.)

 *먹다 to eat

  1) A verb stem is '먹-'

  2) It ends with a consonant 'ㄱ'

  3) It conjugates with '-은 지'

  4) 먹은 지

 처음 성경을 읽은 지 2개월이 지났어요. (It has been 2 months since I first read the Bible.)

 *읽다 to read

  1) A verb stem is '읽-'

  2) It ends with a consonant 'ㄺ'

  3) It conjugates with '-은 지'

  4) 읽은 지


 새 옷을 입은 지 1시간 만에 얼룩이 묻었어요. (I got a stain on my new clothes just 1 hour after wearing it.)

 *입다 to wear

  1) A verb stem is '입-'

  2) It ends with a consonant 'ㅂ'

  3) It conjugates with '-은 지'

  4) 입은 지


 새로운 제안을 받은 지 2시간 지났어요. (I has been 2 hours since I received a new proposal.)

 *받다 to receive

  1) A verb stem is '받-'

  2) It ends with a consonant 'ㄷ'

  3) It conjugates with '-은 지'

  4) 받은 지



3. Practice

 It has been a week since I finished writing the letter.

 편지를 다 _____________ 일주일이 지났어요. ( *적다 to write )


 It has been a year already before I knew it since we started working together.

 우리가 함께 _____________ 어느덧 1년이네요. ( *일하다  to work )


 It has been 5 yeasrs since the construction finished.

 공사가 _____________ 5년이 지났어요. ( *끝나다 to finish )


 It has been a long time since we took a family photo.

 가족 _____________ 오래 됐어요. ( *사진을 찍다 to take a photo )


 It has been 10 years since I started wearing shoes with the same design.

 똑같은 디자인의 구두를 _____________ 10년이 됐어요. ( *신다 to wear )


 It has been 3 years since I started liking BLACKPINK.

 BLACKPINK를 _____________ 3년이 됐어요. ( *좋아하다 to like )


 It has been 10 years since I started studying Korean.

 한국어를 _____________ 10년이 됐어요. ( *공부하다 to study )


 It has been 3 months since I started living with a cat.

 고양이와 함께 _____________ 3달이 됐어요. ( *살다 to live )


4. Vocabulary

 되다 to become / 5년 5 years / 여행 trip / 가다 to go / 2주 2 weeks / 지나다 pass / 영화 movie / 시작하다 to start / 1분 a minute / 손목 wrist / 수술하다 get surgery / 밥을 먹다 to have a meal / 처음 first / 성경 the Bible / 읽다 to read / 2개월 2 months / 새 new / 옷 cloth / 입다 to wear / 1시간 an hour / 얼룩이 묻다 to get stain / 제안 proposal / 받다 to receive / 편지 letter / 다 all / 적다 to write / 일주일 a week / 우리 we / 함께 together / 일하다 to work / 어느덧 before someone know it / 공사 construction / 끝나다 to finish / 가족 family / 사진을 찍다 to take a photo / 오래되다 be long time / 똑같은 same / 디자인 design / 구두 shoes / 신다 to wear / 좋아하다 to like / 한국어 Korean langugae / 공부하다 to study / 고양이 cat / 살다 to live


5. Answer

  적은 지 / 일한 지 / 끝난 지 / 사진을 찍은 지 / 신은 지 / 좋아한 지 / 공부한 지 / 산 지

