1. Explanation
: '-ㅂ니까?/습니까?' is an ending particle that indicates asking a question formally. It asks certain facts. It is the most formal ending paricle in the question. So, in formal situation, speakers can use it to ask current situations or actions to listeners. You can easily listen this ending particle in news, official broadcasts, job interview, conference, meeting and so on.
This ending particle conjugates with a verb stem or an adjective stem. When the verb stem or adjective stem ends with vowel or 'ㄹ' consonant, it conjutes with '-ㅂ니까?' While when the verb stem or adjective stem ends with a consonant, it conjugates with '-습니까?' Let's look at examples together.
* When the verb or adjective ends with 'ㄹ' consonant, you need to drop 'ㄹ' and then conjugates with '-ㅂ니까?'
2. Examples
여러분 결과에 만족합니까? (Everyone, are you guys satisfied with the results?)
*만족하다 to be satisfied
1) A verb stem is '만족하-'
2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅏ'
3) It conjugates with '-ㅂ니까?'
4) 만족합니까
회의가 언제 시작합니까? (When does the meeting start?)
*시작하다 to start
1) A verb stem is '시작하-'
2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅏ'
3) It conjugates with '-ㅂ니까?'
4) 시작합니까?
주말에 많이 바쁩니까? (Are you busy a lot on the weekend?)
*바쁘다 busy
1) An adjective stem is '바쁘-'
2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅏ'
3) It conjugates with '-ㅂ니까?'
4) 바쁩니까?
새로운 직장이 마음에 듭니까? (Do you like your new workplace?)
*마음에 들다 to like
1) A verb stem is '마음에 들-'
2) It ends with a consonant 'ㄹ'
3) Drop a consonant 'ㄹ'
4) It conjugates with '-ㅂ니까?'
5) 마음에 듭니까?
아직도 비가 옵니까? (Is it still raining?)
*비가 오다 to rain
1) A verb stem is '오-'
2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅗ'
3) It conjugates with '-ㅂ니까?'
4) 옵니까?
조금 더 기다릴 수 있습니까? (Can you wait a little more?)
*기다리다 to wait / -ㄹ수 있다 can
1) A verb stem is '-ㄹ 수 있-'
2) It ends with a consonant 'ㅆ'
3) It conjugates with '-습니까?'
4) 기다릴 수 있습니까?
질문 더 없습니까? (Is there any further question?)
*없다 there is/are no
1) A verb stem is '없-'
2) It ends with a consonant 'ㅄ'
3) It conjugates with '-습니까?'
4) 없습니까?
항상 이렇게 덥습니까? (Is it always hot like this?)
*덥다 hot
1) An adjective stem is '덥-'
2) It ends with a consonant 'ㅂ'
3) It conjugates with '-습니까?'
4) 덥습니까?
점심을 팀원과 함께 먹습니까? (Do you eat lunch with your team member?)
*먹다 to eat
1) A verb stem is '먹-'
2) It ends with a consonant 'ㄱ'
3) It conjugates with '-습니까?'
4) 먹습니까?
여름에도 새벽에는 춥습니까? (Is it cold in dawn even in summer?)
*춥다 cold
1) A verb stem is '춥-'
2) It ends with a consonant 'ㅂ'
3) It conjugates with '-습니까?'
4) 춥습니까?
3. Practice
Do Koreans drink Americano every day?
한국인은 매일 아이스아메리카노를 _______________? ( *마시다 to drink )
Do you take a photo at Gyeongbokgung Palace?
경복궁에서 사진을 _______________? ( *사진을 찍다 to take a photo )
Are there many libraries in this neighborhood?
이 동네에는 도서관이 _______________? ( *많다 many )
When do you get off work?
언제 _______________? ( *퇴근하다 to get off work )
Do you paint the picture on the wall by yourself?
벽에 걸린 그림은 직접 그린 그림 _______________? ( *이다 be verb )
Where do you go after classes over?
수업 마치고 어디로 _______________? ( *가다 to go )
Do all employees attend the retirement ceremony?
은퇴식에 모든 직원이 _______________? ( *참석하다 to attend )
Do you buy souvenirs for your friends on the last day of trip?
여행 마지막날 친구들 기념품을 _______________? ( *사다 to buy )
Are you hungry?
_______________? ( *배고프다 hungry )
Do you read a book of poem sometimes?
가끔 시집을 _______________? ( *읽다 to read )
4. Vocabulary
여러분 everyone / 결과 result / 만족하다 to satisfy / 회의 meeting / 언제 when / 시작하다 to start / 주말 weekend / 많이 a lot / 바쁘다 busy / 새로운 new / 직장 workplace / 마음에 들다 to like / 아직도 still / 비가 오다 to rain / 조금 little / 더 more / 기다리다 to wait / -ㄹ 수 있다 can / 질문 question / 더 further / 없다 there is no / 항상 always / 이렇게 like this / 덥다 hot / 점심 lunch / 팀원 team member / 먹다 to eat / 여름 summer / 새벽 dawn / 춥다 cold / 한국인 Korean / 매일 every day / 아메리카노 americano / 마시다 to drink / 경복궁 Gyeongbokgung Palace / 사진을 찍다 to take a photo / 동네 neighborhood / 도서관 library / 많다 a lot / 언제 when / 퇴근하다 to get off work / 벽 wall / 걸린 hanged / 그림 picture / 직접 in person / 그린 painted / 수업 class / 마치다 over / 어디 where / 가다 to go / 은퇴식 retirement ceremony / 모든 all / 직원 employees / 참석하다 to attend / 여행 trip / 마지막 last / 날 day / 친구 friend / 기념품 souvenir / 배고프다 hungry / 가끔 sometime / 시집 book of poem / 읽다 to read
5. Answer
마십니까? / 찍습니까? / 많습니까? / 퇴근합니까? / 그림입니까? / 갑니까? / 참석합니까? / 삽니까? / 배고픕니까? / 읽습니까?
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