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이나 grammar4

Korean grammar '-나/이나(3)' 1. Explanation : '-나/이나(3)' is indicating that the quantity is more or the size is larger than expected. So even though it is translated as a normal statement. You need to understand that the speaker wants to express their surprise about the situation. It is attached after noun. '-나' conjugates with vowel ending nouns. However '-이나' conjugates with consonant ending nouns. Let's look at examples... 2024. 7. 31.
Korean grammar '-나/이나(2)' 1. Explanation : '-나/이나(2)' is indicating the second best choice. This expression indicates that although someone isn't completely satisfied, they consider it as the second best choice. So it means there are better options, but it's okay. It is attached after noun. '-나' conjugates with vowel ending nouns. However '-이나' conjugates with consonant ending nouns. Let's look at examples. 2. Examples 콜.. 2024. 7. 17.
Korean grammar '-나/이나(1)' 1. Explanation : '-나/이나(1)' is indicating meaning of choice. This expression indicates the need to choose a certain thing among more than two options. It is attached after noun. '-나' conjugates with vowel ending nouns. However '-이나' conjugates with consonant ending nouns. Let's look at examples. 2. Examples 퇴근하고 나서 영화나 드라마를 봐요.(After work, I watch movies or dramas.)  *영화 movie  1) A word '영화' is.. 2024. 7. 17.
Korean grammar '-나/이나/거나' 1. Explanation : '-나/이나' are used to indicating choices or alternatives. So, you can use this form '-나/이나' for connecting two nouns, verbs or adjectives. And you can translate this as 'or'. '-나/이나' can be conjugated with nouns. '-나' conjugates with vowel ending nouns. While '-이나' conjugates with consonant ending nouns. Let's look at the example together.  *Source : National Institute of Korean L.. 2024. 1. 22.