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Korean Grammar104

Korean grammar '-로/으로 1' 1. Explanation : '-로/으로' is used in two diffent ways. First, it indicates means, methods or materials. Second, it indicates the direction or destination. And it is attached after noun. Depending on the form of the noun, they conjugates differently. When the noun ends with a vowel or 'ㄹ' consonant, it conjugates with '-로'. However the noun ends with a consonant, it conjugates with '-으로'. Let's lo.. 2024. 1. 21.
Korean grammar '-아서/어서/여서(해서)' 1. Explanation : '-아서/어서/여서(해서)' indicates that the preceding clause(phrase, sentence) is the reason or the way for the following clause(phrase, sentence). It can be conjugated with the verb stem or adjective stem. And they take different particles and conjugations depending on their verb stems or adjective stems. You can translate '-아서/어서/여서(해서)' as 'because'. Let's look at the rules together. .. 2024. 1. 19.
Korean grammar '-고 싶다.' 1. Explanation : '-고 싶다.' is used to express speaker's desire or wish. And It conjugates with a verb stem. So you can translate this as 'I want to -.' Also '-고 싶다.' is infinitive form, so you can use this as '-고 싶어./-고 싶어요.' as well. This is why you might hear expressions '보고 싶어(요).' in K-drama  or K-pop lyrics. Let's look at the example together.  (*To express 'don't want to -', combine '-고 싶다... 2024. 1. 18.
Korean grammar '못/-지 못하다.' 1. Explanation : '못/-지 못하다.' makes a negative sentence. You can add '못' in front of a verb. And there is a space between '못' and the verb. However, you can conjugate '-지 못하다' with a verb stem. Additionally, '못 하다' can be changed to '못 해요.' by using the ending particle '-해요.' One more thing, '못하다' can be used to the opposite meaning of '잘하다(= be good at)'. In that case, it would be better to tran.. 2024. 1. 17.
Korean grammar '-ㄹ까요?/을까요?' 1. Explanation : '-ㄹ까요?/을까요?' is used to ask for someone's opinion. And this particle also includes meaning of suggestion. So you can translate it as 'shall we/I -'. It is attached after a verb stem, and you should choose between '-ㄹ까요?' and '-을까요?' depending on the verb stem's form. '-ㄹ까요?' conjugates with vowel ending verbs and consonant 'ㄹ' ending verbs. However '-을까요?' conjugates with conson.. 2024. 1. 16.
Korean grammar '나/너/우리' 1. Explanation : '나/너/우리/그녀/그/그들' we call these as a '인칭대명사'. They can be translated as 'personal pronouns' in English. Today I'll introduce you to all of personal Korean pronouns. First, let's examine the personal pronouns.   1) 나 / 저 = I (casual / polite)  2) 너 = You   3) 우리 / 저희 = We (casual / polite)   4) 그녀 = She  5) 그 = He  6) 그들 / 그분들 = They (casual / polite)    * You can make possesive p.. 2024. 1. 15.