반응형 Korean Grammar104 Korean grammar '-니까/으니까' 1. Explanation : '-니까/으니까' expresses the reason of verbs or adjectives. You can translate this as 'because' or 'since'. '-니까' is conjugated with verbs or adjectives that end with a vowel or a final consonant 'ㄹ'. '-으니까' is conjugated with verbs or adjectives that end with a consonant(except 'ㄹ'). Commonly, this form is used with another verb or adjective in same sentence. Let's look at examples .. 2024. 1. 29. Korean grammar '-네요/이네요.' 1. Explanation : '-네요.-이네요.' indicates surprise or agreement. So, it will be helpful to think this form emphasize the meaning. It conjugates with the verb or the adjective. However it also counjugates with the noun. So, we should check the form of each case. First, when this form conjugates with the verb or the adjectvie, we should use '-네요.' Second, when it conjugates with the noun, we should c.. 2024. 1. 26. Korean grammar '~에서/부터~까지' 1. Explanation : '~에서/부터~까지' indicates a range of distance or a period of time. There is no strict grammar for using between '~에서 ~까지' and '~부터 ~까지'. However we use these two particles in a specific way. Mostly, location or place nouns are conjugated with '~에서 ~까지'. While time or date nouns are conjugated with '~부터 ~까지'. Even they conjugate with different types of nouns, they have a same meaning.. 2024. 1. 25. Korean grammar '-아/어/여(해) 주세요.' 1. Explanation : '-아/어/여(해) 주세요.' is used to make requests. So, it is very useful to preparing for travel in Korea. You can use it to order in restaurant, request any service in a hotel, tell the destination in texi etc by using this grammar. When you are requesting some action from someone, this particle conjugates with verbs. And it takes different particles and conjugations depending on the v.. 2024. 1. 25. Korean grammar '-ㅂ니다/습니다.' 1. Explanation : '-ㅂ니다/습니다.' is used in conjugation with verbs or adjectives in the Korean language. And it makes formal statement. We learned '-아요/어요/여요(해요).' in Korean grammar #4. '-ㅂ니다/습니다.' is more formal expression. So you can use this in official situaions such as a broadcast, an official speech or a military service. Actually, it's not common to use this in our daily life. However, many t.. 2024. 1. 23. Korean grammar '-나/이나/거나' 1. Explanation : '-나/이나' are used to indicating choices or alternatives. So, you can use this form '-나/이나' for connecting two nouns, verbs or adjectives. And you can translate this as 'or'. '-나/이나' can be conjugated with nouns. '-나' conjugates with vowel ending nouns. While '-이나' conjugates with consonant ending nouns. Let's look at the example together. *Source : National Institute of Korean L.. 2024. 1. 22. 이전 1 ··· 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 다음 반응형