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Korean Grammar

Korean grammar '-고 싶다.'

by jeongussaem 2024. 1. 18.


1. Explanation

 : '-고 싶다.' is used to express speaker's desire or wish. And It conjugates with a verb stem. So you can translate this as 'I want to -.' Also '-고 싶다.' is infinitive form, so you can use this as '-고 싶어./-고 싶어요.' as well. This is why you might hear expressions '보고 싶어(요).' in K-drama  or K-pop lyrics. Let's look at the example together.

 (*To express 'don't want to -', combine '-고 싶다.' with '안/-지 않다.(Korean grammar #8)'. 

  The final forms are '-고 싶지 않다.' or '안 -고 싶다.' )


Source : National Institute of Korean Langugae


2. Examples

 여름 방학에 한국에 가고 싶어요. (I want to go to Korea during the summer vacation.)

 *가다 to go

  1) A verb stem is '가-'

  2) It conjugates with '-고 싶어요.'

  3) 가고 싶어요. 


 어제 떡볶이를 먹고 싶었어요. (I wanted to eat tteokbokki yesterday.)

 *먹다 to eat 

  1) A verb stem is '먹-'

  2) It conjugates with '-고 싶다.'

  3) Make it as a past tense

  4) It ends with a vowel 'ㅣ'

  5) It conjugates with '-었어요.' 

  4) 싶었어요.

  5) 먹고 싶었어요.


 내일 친구를 만나고 싶어요. (I want to meet my friend tomorrow.)

  *만나다 to meet 

   1) A verb stem is '만나-'

   2) It conjugates with '-고 싶어요.'

   3) 만나고 싶어요. 


 혼자 생각하고 싶어요. (I want to think alone.)

 *생각하다 to think

  1) A verb stem is '생각하-'

  2) It conjugates with '-고 싶어요.'

  3) 생각하고 싶어요. 


 정국의 노래를 듣고 싶어요. (I want to listen JungKook's song.)

 *듣다 to listen

  1) A verb stem is '듣-'

  2) It conjugates with '-고 싶어요.'

  3) 듣고 싶어요. 


 추리 소설을 읽고 싶어요. (I want to read a detective novel.)

 *읽다 to read

  1) A verb stem '읽-'

  2) It conjugates with '-고 싶어요.'

  3) 읽고 싶어요.


 탄산수를 마시고 싶어요. (I want to drink sparkling water.)

 *마시다 to drink

  1) A verb stem is '마시-'

  2) It conjugates with '-고 싶어요.'

  3) 마시고 싶어요.


 해변을 따라서 뛰고 싶어요. (I want to run along the beach.)

 *뛰다 to run

  1) A verb stem is '뛰-'

  2) It conjugates with '-고 싶어요.'

  3) 뛰고 싶어요.


 가족과 함께 쉬고 싶어요. (I want to rest with my family.)

 *쉬다 to rest

  1) A verb stem is '쉬-'

  2) It conjugates with '-고 싶어요.'

  3) 쉬고 싶어요.



3. Practice

 I want to go to the BLACKPINK's concert.

 BLACKPINK 콘서트에 _______________. ( *가다 to go )


 I want to charge my phone.

 핸드폰을 _______________. ( *충전하다 to charge )


 I want to eat strawberries in winter.

 겨울에 딸기를 _______________. ( *먹다 to eat )


 I want to buy a piano.

 피아노를 _______________. ( *사다 to buy )


 I want to drink hot green tea.

 뜨거운 녹차를 _______________. ( *마시다 to drink )


 I want to decorate my room on the weekend.

 주말에 방을 _______________. ( *꾸미다 to decorate )


 I want to write a letter.

 편지를 _______________. ( *쓰다 to write )


 I want to answer accurately.

 정확하게 _______________. ( *대답하다 to answer )



4. Vocabulary

 여름 summer / 방학 vacation / 에 particle(time, place) / 가다 go / 어제 yesterday / 떡볶이 tteokbokki / 먹다 to eat / 내일 tomorrow / 친구 friend / 만나다 to meet / 혼자 alone / 생각하다 to think / 의 's / 노래 song / 듣다 to listen / 추리 소설 detective novel / 읽다 to read / 탄산수 sparkling water / 마시다 to drink / 해변 beach / -을 따라서 along / 뛰다 to run / 가족 family / 과 with / 함께 together / 쉬다 to rest / 콘서트 concert / 핸드폰 phone / 충전하다 charge / 겨울 winter / 딸기 strawberry / 먹다 to eat / 피아노 piano / 사다 to buy / 뜨거운 hot / 녹차 green tea / 주말 weekend / 방 room / 꾸미다 to decorate / 편지 letter / 쓰다 t write / 정확하게 accurately / 대답하다 to answer


5. Answer

  가고 싶어요.(싶다.) / 충전하고 싶어요. (싶다.) / 먹고 싶어요. (싶다.) / 사고 싶어요. (싶다.) / 마시고 싶어요. (싶다.) / 꾸미고 싶어요. (싶다.) / 쓰고 싶어요. (싶다.) / 대답하고 싶어요. (싶다.)
