1. Explanation
: '-로/으로' is used in two diffent ways. First, it indicates means, methods or materials. Second, it indicates the direction or destination. And it is attached after noun. Depending on the form of the noun, they conjugates differently. When the noun ends with a vowel or 'ㄹ' consonant, it conjugates with '-로'. However the noun ends with a consonant, it conjugates with '-으로'. Let's look at the example together.
*Source : National Institute of Korean Language
2. Examples
지하철로 학교에 가요. (I go to school by subway.)
*지하철 subway
1) A word '지하철' is a noun
2) It indicates a method
3) It ends with a consonant 'ㄹ'
4) It conjugates with '-로'
5) 지하철로
지하철을 타고 학교로 가요. (I go to school by taking the subway.)
*학교 shcool
1) A word '학교' is a noun
2) It indicates a destination
3) It ends with a vowel 'ㅛ'
4) It conjugates with '-로'
5) 학교로
낙서를 지우개로 지워요. (I erase scribbles with an eraser.)
*지우개 eraser
1) A word '지우개' is a noun
2) It indicates a method
3) It ends with a vowel 'ㅐ'
4) It conjugates with '-로'
5) 지우개로
컴퓨터로 문서를 작성했어요. (I wrote the document on the computer.)
*컴퓨터 computer
1) A word '컴퓨터' is a noun
2) It indicates a method
3) It ends with a vowel 'ㅓ'
4) It conjugates with '-로'
5) 컴퓨터로
스위스로 선물을 보냈어요. (I sent a gift to Switzerland.)
*스위스 Switzerland
1) A word '스위스' is a noun
2) It indicates a destination
3) It ends with a vowel 'ㅡ'
4) It conjugates with '-로'
5) 스위스로
엄마와 공항으로 출발했어요. (I departed to the airport with my mom.)
*공항 airport
1) A word '공항' is a noun
2) It indicates a destination
3) It ends with a consonant 'ㅇ'
4) It conjugates with '-으로'
5) 공항으로
핸드폰으로 영상을 촬영했어요. (I filmed a video with my phone.)
*핸드폰 phone
1) A word '핸드폰' is a noun
2) It indicates a method
3) It ends with a consonant 'ㄴ'
4) It conjugates with '-으로'
5) 핸드폰으로
오후 3시에 운동장으로 모이세요. (Gather at the playground at 3p.m.)
*운동장 playground
1) A word '운동장' is a noun
2) It indicates a destination
3) It ends with a consonant 'ㅇ'
4) It conjugates with '-으로'
5) 운동장으로
앞으로 쭉 가세요. (Go straight ahead.)
*앞 ahead
1) A word '앞' is a noun
2) It indicates a direction
3) It ends with a consonant 'ㅍ'
4) It conjugates with '-으로'
5) 앞으로
할머니 이야기를 책으로 써요. (I'm writing my grandmother's story as a book.)
*책 book
1) A word '공항' is a noun
2) It indicates a method
3) It ends with a consonant 'ㄱ'
4) It conjugates with '-으로'
5) 책으로
3. Practice
I'm going on a trip to Indonesia with my family.
가족과 인도네시아 (로/으로) 여행을 가요. ( *인도네시아 Indonesia )
Come to beautiful Jeju Island.
아름다운 제주도 (로/으로) 오세요. ( *제주도 Jeju Island )
Can you step aside to the left?
왼쪽 (로/으로) 비켜줄래요? ( *왼쪽 left )
Please move three steps back.
뒤 (로/으로) 세 발자국 이동해 주세요. ( *뒤 back )
Please write it with a pencil.
연필 (로/으로) 작성하세요. ( *연필 pencil )
I received a new keyboard as compensation.
새로운 키보드를 보상 (로/으로) 받았어요. ( *보상 compensation )
I peel the apple with a knife.
저는 사과를 껍질을 칼 (로/으로) 깎아요. ( *칼 knife )
My mom draws a picutre with a brush.
엄마는 붓 (로/으로) 그림을 그려요. ( *붓 brush )
4. Vocabulary
지하철 subway / 학교 school / 가다 to go / 타다 to take / 낙서 scribbles / 지우개 eraser / 지우다 to erase / 컴퓨터 computer / 문서 document / 작성하다 to write / 스위스 Swizerland / 선물 gift / 보내다 to send / 엄마 mom / 와 with / 공항 airport / 출발하다 to depart / 핸드폰 phone / 영상 video / 촬영하다 to film / 오후 p.m. / 3시 3 o'clock / 운동장 playground / 모이다 to gather / 앞으로 ahead / 쭉 straight / 할머니 grandmother / 이야기 story / 책 book / 쓰다 to write / 가족 family / 여행을 가다 to go on a trip / 아름다운 beautiful / 오다 to come / 왼쪽 left / 비켜주다 to step aside / 뒤 back / 세 three / 발자국 step / 이동하다 to move / 연필 pencil / 새로운 new / 키보드 keyboard / 보상 compensation / 받다 to receive / 사과 apple / 껍질 peel(noun) / 칼 knife / 깎다 to peel / 붓 brush / 그림 picture / 그리다 to draw
5. Answer
인도네시아로 / 제주도로 / 왼쪽으로 / 뒤로 / 연필로 / 보상으로 / 칼로 / 붓으로
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