1. Explanation
: '-아도/어도/여도(해도)' is an ending particle used to connect two clauses. It indicates that the expection goes against facts or assumptions. This particle attached after verbs and adjectives. And it indicates that the expectation about facts and assumptions in the preceding clause is contrary to that in the following clause. Let's look at examples.
(1) If the verb stem has a vowel 'ㅏ or ㅗ',
you have to conjugate it with '-아도'
(2) If the verb stem has except a vowel 'ㅏ or ㅗ',
you have to conjugate it with '-어도'
(3) The form '-하다.' changes to '-해도'
* 하다 conjugates with '-여도' => '하여도'
=> '하여' can be contracted to '해' => '해도'
* Tip : How to make past tense
1) Step 1 - Cheak the verb or adjective stem
2) Step 2 - Cheak the ending syllable's vowel
3) Step 3 - Conjugate with the correct one
2. Examples
아무리 옷을 많이 사도 입을 옷이 없어요. (No matter how many clothes I buy, I still don't have anything to wear.)
*사다 to buy
1) A verb stem '사-'
2) It has a vowel 'ㅏ'
3) It conjugates with '-아도'
4) 사아도
5) '사아' can be contracted to '사'
6) 사도
서울에 살아도 한강에 자주 가지 않아요. (Even though I live in Seoul, I don't go to the Hangang River often.)
*살다 to live
1) A verb stem '살-'
2) It has a vowel 'ㅏ'
3) It conjugates with '-아도'
4) 살아도
하늘이 맑아도 갑자기 비가 올 수 있어요. (Even if the sky is clear, it can suddenly rain.)
*맑다 clear
1) An adjective stem is '맑-'
2) It has a vowel 'ㅏ'
3) It conjugates with '-아도'
4) 맑아도
힘들어도 포기하지 않아요. (Even when it's difficult, I don't give up.)
*힘들다 difficult
1) An adjective stem is '힘들-'
2) It has a vowel 'ㅡ'
3) It conjugates with '-어도'
4) 힘들어도
물을 계속 마셔도 목이 말라요. (Even if I keep drinking water, I still feel thirsty.)
*마시다 to drink
1) A verb stem is '마시-'
2) It has a vowel 'ㅣ'
3) It conjugates with '-어도'
4) 마시어도
5) '시어' can be contracted to '셔'
6) 마셔도
책을 여러 번 읽어도 무슨 내용인지 모르겠어요. (Even after reading the book several times, I still don't understand what it means.)
*읽다 to read
1) A verb stem is '읽-'
2) It has a vowel 'ㅣ'
3) It conjugates with '-어도'
4) 읽어도
몇 번을 생각해도 정답을 모르겠어요. (No matter how many times I think about it, I still donw't know the correct answer.)
*생각하다 to think
1) A form of the word is '-하다.'
2) '-하다.' changes to '-해도'
3) 생각해도
계속 시도해도 결과가 변하지 않아요. (Even if I keep trying, the result doesn't change.)
*시도하다 to try
1) A form of the word is '-하다.'
2) '-하다.' changes to '-해도'
3) 시도해도
한가해도 낮잠을 안 자요. (Even when I'm free, I dont' take a nap.)
*한가하다 free
1) A form of the word is '-하다.'
2) '-하다.' changes to '-해도'
3) 한가해도
3. Practice
Even though the road is narrow, everyone can pass through.
길이 _______________ 모두 지나갈 수 있어요. ( *좁다 narrow )
I don't get nervous even when speaking in front of many people.
많은 사람들 앞에서 _____________ 떨리지 않아요. ( *말하다 to speak )
No matter how delicious it is, if I eat it the entire week, I'm sick of it.
아무리 _____________ 일주일 내내 먹으면 질려요. ( *맛있다 delicious )
Even if it rains, the game will be continue.
비가 _____________ 경기는 속행됩니다. ( *오다 to come )
Even if you explain kindly, someone can't understand.
친절하게 _____________ 이해 못 할 수 있어요. ( *설명하다 to explain )
Even if I stand up, I can't see anything.
자리에서 _____________ 보이지 않아요. ( *일어나다 to stand up )
Even if I wear a lot of clothes, I still feel cold.
옷을 많이 _____________ 여전히 추워요. ( *입다 to wear )
No matter how much I sleep, I still feel tired.
잠을 아무리 많이 _____________ 계속 피곤해요. ( *자다 to sleep )
4. Vocabulary
아무리 no matter how / 옷 cloth / 많이 many / 사다 to buy / 입다 to wear / 없다 there is no / 서울 Seoul / 살다 to live / 한강 Hangang River / 자주 often / 가다 to go / 하늘 sky / 맑다 clear / 갑자기 suddenly / 비가 오다 to rain / 힘들다 difficult / 포기하다 to forgive / 물 water / 마시다 to drink / 목이 마르다 thirsty / 책 book / 여러 번 several times / 읽다 to read / 무슨 what / 내용 content / 모르다 don't understand, don't know / 몇 번 many times / 생각하다 to think / 정답 correct answer / 계속 -하다 keep - / 시도하다 to try / 결과 result / 변하다 to change / 한가하다 free / 낮잠을 자다 to take a nap / 길 road / 좁다 narrow / 모두 everyone / 지나가다 to pass through / 많은 many / 사람 people/ 앞 in front of / 에서 particle(place, location) / 말하다 to speak / 떨리다 to get nervous / 맛있다 delicious / 일주일 a week / 내내 entire / 먹다 to eat / 질리다 to be sick of / 경기 game / 속행되다 to be continue / 친절하게 kindly / 설명하다 to explain / 이해하다 to understand / 여전히 still / 춥다 / cold / 잠을 자다 to sleep / 계속 still / 피곤하다 to be tired
5. Answer
좁아도 / 말해도 / 맛있어도 / 와도 / 설명해도 / 일어나도 / 입어도 / 자도
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