
1. Explanation
: '-더라도' is a connective particle that indicates even if someone supposes or recognizes the preceding clause, the following clause is contrary to expectation. This connective particle is attached after verbs, adjectives, '-이다.', '-아니다.' And it is used when assuming or acknowledging the content of the preceding clause, but indicating that the preceding clause doesn't relate to or affect following clause. Also it can be used when expectation of the preceding clause is denied clearly at following clause. You don't need to care about ending of syllables. You can conjugates this anytime. Let's look at examples.
2. Examples
힘들더라도 포기하지 마세요. (Even if it's hard, don't give up.)
*힘들다 hard
1) An adjective stem is '힘들-'
2) It conjugates with '-더라도'
4) 힘들더라도
화가 나더라도 폭력을 사용해서는 안 돼요. (Even if you get angry, you must not use violence.)
*화가 나다 to get angry
1) A verb stem is '화가 나-'
2) It conjugates with '-더라도'
3) 화가 나더라도
아무리 바쁘더라도 운동은 매일 해야 돼요. (No matter how busy you are, you have to exercise everyday.)
*바쁘다 busy
1) An adjective stem is '바쁘-'
2) It conjugates with '-더라도'
3) 바쁘더라도
실패했더라도 끝은 아니다. (Even if you fail, it's not the end.)
*실패하다 to fail
1) A verb stem is '실패하-'
2) Make it as a past tense
3) '-하다.' changes to '-했다.'
4) 실패했다.
5) It conjugates with '-더라도'
6) 실패했더라도
한국어가 어렵더라도 조금만 더 같이 노력해요. (Even if Korean is difficult, let's keep making an effort a little bit more together.)
*어렵다 diffiicult
1) An adjective stem is '어렵-'
2) It conjugates with '-더라도'
3) 어렵더라도
힘들게 설득하더라도 안심할 수 없어요. (Even if you struggle to persuade someone, we're not out of e woods yet.)
*설득하다 to persuade
1) A verb stem is '설득하-'
2) It conjugates with '-더라도'
3) 설득하더라도
어떤 경우이더라도 타인에게 친절해야 돼요. (In any case, you should be kind to others.)
*이다 be verb
1) A verb stem is '이-'
2) It conjugates with '-더라도'
3) 이더라도
사람들이 비웃더라도 스스로를 믿어야 해요. (Even if people sneer at you, you must believe in yourself.)
*비웃다 to sneer
1) A verb stem is '비웃-'
2) It conjugates with '-더라도'
3) 비웃더라도
3. Practice
Even if I get a Korean cuisine certification, I will continue to study Korean cuisine.
한식 자격증을 _______________ 계속 한식을 연구할 거예요. ( *획득하다 to get )
Even if my knees hurt, I want to reach the top of the mountain.
무릎이 _______________ 산 정상까지 가고 싶어요. ( *아프다 to hurt )
No matter how far Korea is, I will definitely go there someday.
한국이 아무리 _______________ 언젠가 꼭 갈 거예요. ( *멀다 far )
If the quality of items is good, it's okay to paying a bit more.
품질이 좋은 제품이면 조금 더 _______________ 괜찮아요. ( *비싸다 expensive )
Even though I'm not an painter, I draw pictures every day.
비록 화가가 _______________ 매일 그림을 그려요. ( *아니다 not )
Even if it's possible to change the desing, there might be a lot of extra charge.
아마 디자인 수정이 _______________ 추가 비용이 많이 나올거예요. ( *가능하다 to be possible )
Even if you get the correct answer, it's important to understand the process clearly.
정답을 _______________ 과정을 명확히 이해하는 것이 중요해요. ( *맞추다 to get )
Even though I read it several times already, if I read it again, I can feel refreshed.
이미 여러 번 _______________ 다시 읽으면 새로운 느낌을 받을 수 있어요. ( *읽었다 read )
4. Vocabulary
힘들다 hard / 포기하다 to give up / -지 말다 don't / 화가 나다 to get angry / 폭력 violence / 사용하다 to use / 안되다 not available / 아무리 no matter how / 바쁘다 busy / 운동 exercise / 매일 everyday / 해야 하다 have to / 실패하다 to fail / 끝 the end / 아니다 not / 한국어 Korean language / 어렵다 difficult / 조금만 a little bit / 더 more / 같이 together / 노력하다 to make an effort / 힘들게 ~하다 to struggle / 설득하다 to persuade / 안심할 수 없다 we're not out of the woods yet / 어떤 what / 경우 case / 타인 others / 친절 kind / 사람 people / 비웃다 to sneer / 스스로 oneself / 믿다 to believe / 한식 Korean cuisin / 자격증 certification / 획득하다 to get / 계속하다 to continue / 연구하다 to study / 무릎 knee / 아프다 to hurt / 산 mountain / (산) 정상 a top of (the mountain) / 가다(도달하다) to reach / 까지 to (range) / 한국 Korean / 아무리 no matter how / 멀다 far / 언젠가 someday / 꼭 must / 가다 to go / 품질 quality / 좋다 good / 제품 item / 조금 a bit / 더 more / 비싸다 expensive / 괜찮다 okay / 비록 even though / 화가 painter / 매일 everyday / 그림을 그리다 to draw / 아마 maybe / 디자인 design / 수정하다 to revise / 가능하다 to be possible / 추가 비용 extra charge / 많이 a lot / 나오다 come out / 정답 correct answer / (정답을) 맞추다 get (the correct answer) / 과정 process / 명확히 clearly / 이해하다 to understand / 중요하다 important / 이미 already / 여러 번 several times / 읽다 to read / 다시 again / 새로운 new / 느낌을 받다 to feel
5. Answer
획득하더라도 / 아프더라도 / 멀더라도 / 비싸더라도 / 아니더라도 / 가능하더라도 / 맞추더라도 / 읽었더라도
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