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Korean Grammar

Korean grammar '-거든(2)'

by jeongussaem 2024. 7. 5.

Korean grammar #57 '-거든(2)'

1. Explanation

 : '-거든(2)' is an ending particle that expresss obviously about reasons or facts which is indicated at the preceding clause. It is used to state a certain reason or fact obviously. It is usually used in spoken language, especially when listener might not know what the speaker is saying. So even it is translated same as 'because', you need to understand that this expression includes the tone of 'obvious'. It is attached after verbs, adjectives and '-이다', '-아니다'. You don't need to care about ending of syllables exept '-이다.' You can conjugates this anytime. Also when you want to use this expression in daily life, you can just add '-요.' after '-거든'. Let's look at examples.


 * Conjunction with 'Noun + -이다.'  

    A vowel ending noun + '-거든'

    A consonant ending noun + '-이거든'


 * Spoken language

   1) Polite - Just add '-요.' after expression => '-거든요.' 

   2) Past tense - A verb steam + '-았거든/었거든/였거든(했거든)'

      Past tense & Polite - A verb stem + '-았거든/었거든/였거든(했거든)요.' 


2. Examples

 정말 행복해요. BTS 콘서트 티켓 예매를 성공했거든요. (I'm really happy. Because I succeeded to book tickets for the BTS concert.) 

 *성공하다 to succeed

  1) A form of the word is '-하다.'

  2) Make it as a past tense

  3) '-하다.' changes to '-했다.'

  4) 성공했다.

  5) '-했다.' changes to '-했거든요.'

  6) 성공했거든요.


 지민은 카페에 있을 거예요. 아까 봤거든요. (Jimin might be at the cafe. Because I saw him a minute ago.) 

 *보다 to see

  1) A verb stem is '보-'

  2) Make it as a past tense

  3) It has vowel 'ㅗ'

  4) It conjugates with '-았-'

  5) '보았-'

  6) It conjugates with '-거든요.'

  7) 보았거든요.

  8) '보았' can be contracted to '봤'

  9) 봤거든요.


 그녀는 영어를 잘해요. 미국에서 10년 동안 살았거든요. (She speaks English well. Becuas she lived in the United States for 10 years.)

 *살다 to live

  1) A verb stem is '살-'

  2) Make it as a past tense

  3) It has vowel 'ㅏ'

  4) It conjugates with '-았-'

  5) '살았-'

  6) It conjugates with '-거든요.'

  7) 살았거든요.


 그는 걱정이 많아요. 이번 프로젝트 책임자거든요. (He worries a lot. Because he is in charge of this project.)

 *책임자 person in charge

  1) A word 책임자 is a noun

  2) It conjugates with '-거든요.'

  3) 책임자거든요.


 지수는 30분 정도 늦을 거예요. 아직 공항이거든요. (Jisoo will be late about 30 minutes. Because she's still at the airport.)

 *이다 be verb

  1) A verb stem is '이-'

  2) It conjugatse with '-거든요.'

  3) 이거든요.


 목이 너무 말라요. 세 시간 연속으로 가르쳤거든요. (I'm so thirsty. Because I taught for 3 hours straight.)

 *가르치다 to teach

  1) A verb stem is '가르치-'

  2) Make it as a past tense

  3) It has a vowel 'ㅡ'

  4) It conjugates with '-었-'

  5) '가르치었-'

  6) It conjugates with '-거든요.'

  7) 가르치었거든요.

  8) '치었' can be contracted to '쳤'

  9) 가르쳤거든요.


 택배는 내일 도착할 거예요. 명절은 배송이 느리거든요. (The package will arrive tomorrow. Because delivery is slow during holidays.)

 *느리다 slow

  1) An adjective stem is '느리-'

  2) It conjugates with '-거든요.'

  3) 느리거든요.


 밤에 커피를 마실 수 없어요. 잠을 잘 수 없거든요. (I can't drink coffee at night. Because I can't sleep well.) 

 *없다 not

  1) An adjective stem is '없-'

  2) It conjugates with '-거든요.'

  3) 없거든요.


 카메라를 준비하세요. 곧 공연이 시작되거든요. (Get your camera ready. Because the performance will begin soon.) 

 *시작되다 to begin

  1) A verb stem is '시작되-'

  2) It conjugates with '거든요.'

  3) 시작되거든요.


3. Practice

 Happy birthday. Because I just heard from Lisa. 

 생일 축하해요. 금방 리사에게 _____________________. ( 들었다 heard )


 You can't get a hold of Cynthia. Because she is in Korea now. 

 신시아는 연락이 안 될 거예요. 지금 한국에 _____________________. ( *있다 to be, exist )


 There is no ice. Because the freezer malfunctioned yesterday.

 얼음이 없어요. 어제 냉동실이 _____________________. ( 고장 났다 malfunctioned )


 Let's talk later. I'll have to answer an urgent call three minutes later.

 나중에 이야기해요. 3분 뒤에 급한 _____________________. ( *전화를 받아야 하다 to have to answer the phone )


 I'm so tired. Because I watched a drama all night.

 너무 피곤해요. 어제 밤새 드라마를 _____________________. ( 봤다 watched )


 Seonu doesn't eat late-night meal. Because he goes on a diet since today.

 선우는 야식 안 먹는데요. 오늘부터 _____________________. ( *다이어트를 하다 to go on a diet )


 Finally, I'm going on a trip. Becuase I have been saved money diligently for a year.

 드디어 여행을 떠나요. 1년 동안 열심히 돈을 _____________________. ( 모았다 saved )


 You can't move the item alone. It's really heavy.

 혼자서 물건을 옮길 수 없을 거예요. 엄청 _____________________( *무겁다 heavy )


4. Vocabulary

 정말 really / 행복하다 happy / 콘서트 concert / 티켓 ticket / 예매하다 to book / 성공하다 to succeed / 카페 cafe / -에 있다 be verb, exist / 아까 a minute ago / 보다 to see / 그녀 she / 영어 English / 잘하다 be good at / 미국 United States / 동안 during / 살다 to live / 그 he / 걱정하다 to worry / 많다 a lot / 이번 this / 프로젝트 project / 책임자 person in charge / 30분 30 minutes / 늦다 to be late / 아직 still / 공항 airport / 목이 마르다 thirsty / 네 시간 동안 during four hours / 수업하다 to teach / 택배 package / 내일 tomorrow / 도착하다 to arrive / 명절 holiday / 배송 delivery / 느리다 slow / 밤 night / 커피 coffee / 마시다 to drink / -ㄹ 수 없다 can't / 잠을 자다 to sleep / 카메라 camera / 준비하다 to ready / 곧 soon / 공연 performance / 시작되다 to begin / 생일 축하해요 happy birthday / 금방 just / 듣다 to hear / 에게 from / 연락이 안 되다 not get a hold of / 지금 now / 한국 Korea / 있다 be verb, exist / 얼음 ice / 없다 there is no / 어제 yesterday / 냉동실 freezer / 고장 나다 to malfunction / 나중에 later / 이야기하다 to talk / 3분 3 minutes / 뒤 after / 급한 urgent / 전화 call / 받다 to answer the phone / 너무 too / 피곤하다 to be tired / 어제 yesterday / 밤새 all night / 드라마 drama / 보다 to watch / 야식 late-night meal / 먹다 to eat / 오늘 today / 다이어트를 하다 to go on a diet / 드디어 finally / 여행을 떠나다 to go on a trip / 1년 a year / 동안 for / 돈을 모으다 to save money / 열심히 diligently / 혼자서 alone / 물건 item / 옮기다 to move / 엄청 really / 무겁다 heavy


5. Answer

  들었거든요. / 있거든요. / 고장 났거든요. / 받아야 하거든요. / 봤거든요. / 다이어트를 하거든요. / 모았거든요. / 무겁거든요.


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