1. Explanation
: '-거든(1)' is a connective ending particle that indicates a condition or assumption in the preceding clause. It is used when assuming something as a condition. And the following clause indicates a command, request or some kind of action that will happen in the future. This clause is based on the assumption made in the preceding clause. It is attached after verbs, adjectives and '-이다', '-아니다'. You don't need to care about ending of syllables. You can conjugates this anytime. Let's look at examples.
2. Examples
2-1. Command
문제가 생기거든 저한테 바로 연락하세요. (If you have a problem, please contact me right away.)
*문제가 생기다 to have a problem
1) A verb stem is '문제가 생기-'
2) It conjugates with '-거든'
3) 문제가 생기거든
대응방법을 모르거든 담당자를 기다리세요. (If you don't know how to hadle it, please wait for the person in charge)
*모르다 to do not know
1) A verb stem is '모르-'
2) It conjugates with '-거든'
3) 모르거든
나중에 비가 내리거든 행사를 취소해야 돼요. (If it rains later, we'll have to cancel the event.)
*비가 내리다 to rain
1) A verb stem is '비가 내리-'
2) It conjugates with '-거든'
3) 비가 내리거든
2-2) Request
음식이 부족하거든 편하게 말해주세요. (If there's not enough food, please feel free to let us know.)
*부족하다 not enough
1) An adjective stem is '부족하-'
2) It conjugates with '-거든'
3) 부족하거든
이따 사무실에 들르거든 회의실로 와줄래요? (If you stop by the office later, could you come to the meeting room?)
*들르다 to stop by
1) A verb stem is '비가 내리-'
2) It conjugates with '-거든'
3) 비가 내리거든
BTS를 보거든 사인을 받아줄 수 있어요? (If you see BTS, can you get their autograph for me?)
*보다 to see
1) A verb stem is '보-'
2) It conjugates with '-거든'
3) 보거든
2-3) Future
너무 바쁘거든 다음 주에 만나요. (If you are too busy, let's meet next week.)
*친절하다 kind
1) An adjective stem is '친절하-'
2) It conjugates with '-거든'
3) 친절하더라도
대학교를 졸업하거든 한국으로 여행을 떠날래요. (When I graduate from universitym, I'll go to travel to Korea.)
*졸업하다 to graduate
1) A verb stem is '졸업-'
2) It conjugates with '거든'
3) 졸업하거든
시험이 끝나거든 밥 한 번 먹어요. (When the exam is over, let's have a meal sometime.)
*끝나다 to end
1) A verb stem is '끝나-'
2) It conjugates with '거든'
3) 끝나거든
3. Practice
If you're too sleepy, take a 30-minute nap and then come back.
너무 _______________ 30분 잠을 자고 오세요. ( *졸리다 to be sleepy )
If you have vacation plans, could you tell me a month in advance?
휴가 _______________ 한 달 전에 미리 말해줄래요? ( *계획이 있다 to have a plan )
If the room is too cold, you can turn off the air conditioner.
방이 너무 _______________ 에어컨을 꺼도 돼요. ( *춥다 cold )
When the lecture begins, please check the number of attendance.
강의가 _______________ 인원을 점검해주세요. ( *시작하다 to start )
If the food tastes bland, try eating after adding some salt.
음식이 _______________ 소금을 넣어서 먹으세요. ( *싱겁다 bland )
If the schedule changes, please send an e-mail.
일정이 _______________ 이메일 보내주세요. ( *변경되다 to be changed )
If the slippers are too cheap, try to doubt might be imitation.
슬리퍼가 너무 _______________ 가품을 의심해 봐요. ( *싸다 cheap )
When you get a job where you want to get in, treat us.
원하는 회사에 _______________ 한 턱 내세요. ( *취업하다 to get a job )
4. Vocabulary
문제가 생기가 to have a problem / 바로 right away / 연락하다 to contact / 대응방법 how to handle it / 모르다 to don't know / 담당자 person in charge / 비가 오다 to rain / 나중에 later / 해야 되다 have to / 취소하다 to cancel / 음식 food / 부족하다 not enough / 편하게 feel free to / 말하다 to talk / 이따 later / 사무실 office / 들르거든 to stop by / 회의실 meeting room / 오다 to come / 보다 to see / 사인 autograph / 받다 to get / -ㄹ 수 있다 can / 너무 too / busy 바쁘다 / 다음 주 next week / 만나다 to meet / 대학교 university / 졸업하다 to graduate / 한국 Korea / 여행을 떠나다 to go to travel / 시험 exam / 끝나다 to end / 밥 meal / 한 번 once / 먹다 to eat / 졸리다 be sleepy / 30분 30 minutes / 잠을 자다 to sleep / -고 오다 to come back after / 휴가 vacation / 계획이 있다 to have a plan / 한 달 전 a month ago / 에어컨 air conditioner / 끄다 to turn off / 해도 되다 you can / 강의 lecture / 시작하다 to start / 인원 the number of people / 점검하다 to check / 음식 food / 싱겁다 bland / 소금 salt / 넣다 to add / 일정 schedule / 변경되다 to be changed / 이메일 e-mail / 보내다 to send / 슬리퍼 slippers / 싸다 cheap / 의심하다 doubt / 가품 imitation / 원하다 to want / 회사 company / 취업하다 get a job / 한 턱 내다 to treat
5. Answer
졸리거든 / 계획이 있거든 / 춥거든 / 시작하거든 / 싱겁거든 / 변경되거든 / 싸거든 / 취업하거든
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