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Korean grammar '-을 것 1' 1. Explanation : '-을 것1' is an ending particle that indicates order or instruction. It indicates the necessity or obligation to do a certain task, or informs someone about what they shold do. It used in written language. It is attached after verbs. The ending particle '-ㄹ 것' conjugates with vowel ending words or consonant 'ㄹ' ending words. However the ending particle '-을 것' conjugates with conso.. 2024. 10. 14.
Korean grammar '-은 것 2' 1. Explanation : '-은 것2' is an ending particle that changes verbs into nouns. So, it allows the conjugated form to function as a noun in a sentence. Therefore it can be used as a subject, object or modifier like a noun. And it describes the present state or indicates things related to the current situation. It is attached after adjectives '이다.', '아니다.' The ending particle '-ㄴ 것' conjugates with .. 2024. 10. 8.
Korean grammar '-은 것 1' 1. Explanation : '-은 것1' is an ending particle that changes verbs into nouns. So, it allows the conjugated form to function as a noun in a sentence. Therefore it can be used as a subject, object or modifier like a noun. And it indicates certain actions, facts that happend in the past. It is attached after verbs. The ending particle '-ㄴ 것' conjugates with vowel ending words or consonant 'ㄹ' endin.. 2024. 10. 7.
Korean grammar '-는 것' 1. Explanation : '-는 것' is an ending particle that changes verbs into nouns. So, it allows the conjugated form to function as a noun in a sentence. Therefore it can be used as a subject, object or modifier like a noun. And it indicates certain actions, facts or things that related to actions. It is attached after verbs, '있다.', '없다.' And it can conjugate with every forms of words. You should be c.. 2024. 10. 4.
Korean grammar '-기' 1. Explanation : '-기' is an ending particle that changes verbs and adjectives into nouns. So, it allows the conjugated form to function as a noun in the sentence. Therefore it can be used as a subject or object, like a noun. It is attached after verbs, adjectives, '-이다.', '아니다.' And it can conjugate with every form of words. Let's look at examples. 2. Examples 매일 아침 운동하기는 힘들어요. (It's hard to exe.. 2024. 10. 3.
Korean grammar '-ㅁ/음' 1. Explanation : '-ㅁ/음' is an ending particle that changes verbs and adjectives into nouns. So, it allows the conjugated form to function as a noun in the sentence. Therefore it can be used as a subject or object, like a noun. It is attached after verbs, adjectives, '-이다.', '아니다.' '-ㅁ' conjugates with vowel ending nouns or final consonanat '-ㄹ' ending nouns. However '-음' conjugates with consonan.. 2024. 10. 2.