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Korean Grammar

Korean grammar '-더니 2'

by jeongussaem 2024. 10. 25.

Korean grammar #95 '-더니 2'

1. Explanation

 : '-더니 2' is a connective particle that indicates a different fact from what someone knows based on past observations. It is attached after verbs, adjectives, '-이다.', '-아니다.' It always conjugates with '-더니'. Let's look at the examples.


Source : National Institute of Korean language


2. Examples

 한국어 첫 수업은 지루하더니 배울수록 재밌어요. (The first Korean class was boring, but it gets more fun the more I learn.)

 *지루하다 boring

  1) An adjective stem is '지루하-' 

  2) It conjugates with '-더니'

  3) 지루하더니


 그는 주말에는 멀쩡하더니 월요일에 감기에 걸렸어요. (He was fine over the weekend, but he caught a cold on Monday.)

 *멀쩡하다 fine

  1) An adjective stem is '멀쩡하-' 

  2) It conjugates with '-더니'

  3) 멀쩡하더니


 오후에는 따뜻하더니 밤이 되니 추워졌어요. (It was warm in the afternoon, but it became cold at the night.)

 *따뜻하다 warm

  1) An adjective stem is '시작하-' 

  2) It conjugates with '-더니'

  3) 시작하더니


 저번 회식 장소는 가깝더니 이번에는 머네요. (The place which we got a company dinner last time was nearby, but this time it's far away.)

 *가깝다 near 

  1) An adjective stem is '가깝-' 

  2) It conjugates with '-더니'

  3) 가깝더니


 제 친구는 BTS에 관심 없는 척하더니 사실 ARMY였어요. (My pretended not to be interested in BTS, but in fact my friend was ARMY.)

 *척하다 to pretend

  1) A verb stem is '척하-' 

  2) It conjugates with '-더니'

  3) 척하더니


 그는 늘 검은색 옷만 입더니 오늘은 분홍색 옷을 입었어요. (He always wore black clothes, but today he wore pink.)

 *입다 to wear

  1) A verb stem is '입-' 

  2) It conjugates with '-더니'

  3) 입더니


 여동생이 일본어를 공부하더니 요즘은 안 하는 것 같아요. (My younger sister studied Japanese, but I think she isn't studying these days.)

 *공부하다 to study

  1) A verb stem is '공부하-' 

  2) It conjugates with '-더니'

  3) 공부하더니


 지민이가 매운 음식을 못 먹더니 지금은 매운 것만 찾아요. (Jimin couldn't eat spicy food, but now he only seeks out spicy one.)

 *먹다 to eat 

  1) A verb stem is '먹-' 

  2) It conjugates with '-더니'

  3) 먹더니



3. Practice

 The baby used to cry every night, but now the baby sleeps well.

 아기가 밤만 되면 ______________ 지금은 잠을 잘 자요. ( *울다 to cry )


 It rained in the morning, but now the sun is shining brightly.

 오전에는 ______________ 지금은 햇빛이 쨍쨍하네요. ( *비가 오다 to rain )


 The internet was working fine until just now, but suddenly it doesn't work.

 방금까지 인터넷이 ______________ 갑자기 먹통이에요. ( *잘되다 to work well ) 


 My stomach was painful last night, but I feel okay today.

 어젯밤에는 배가 ______________ 오늘은 괜찮아요. ( *아프다 painful )


 The street were tumultuous with the festival, but now it has become quiet.

 축제로 길거리가 ______________ 이제는 조용해졌어요. ( *떠들썩하다 tumultuous )


 Jeni used to call her boyfriend every day, but it seems she doesn't call these days as much as it was.

 제니는 남자친구와 매일 ______________ 요즘은 잘 안 하는 것 같아요. ( *전화하다 to call )


 She frequently went to the cafe in front of her house, but recently she has started going go other places.

 그녀는 집 앞 카페를 자주 ______________ 최근에는 다른 곳에 가기 시작했어요. ( *가다 to go )


 The new employee was nervous during his first presentation, but now he has become proficient.

 신입 직원이 첫 발표 때는 ______________ 이제 능숙해졌어요. ( *긴장하다 nervous )


4. Vocabulary

 한국어 Korean / 첫 first / 수업 class / 지루하다 boring / 배우다 to learn / 재밌다 fun / 주말 weekend / 멀쩡하다 fine / 월요일 Monday / 감기에 걸리다 to catch a cold / 오후 afternoon / 따뜻하다 warm / 밤 night / 춥다 cold / 저번 last time / 회식 company dinner / 장소 place / 가깝다 near / 이번 this time / 멀다 far away / 제 my / 친구 friend / 관심 있다 be interested in / 척하다 to pretend / 사실 in fact / 그 he / 늘 always / 검은색 black / 옷 clothes / 입다 to wear / 오늘 today / 분홍색 pink / 여동생 younger sister / 일본어 Japanese / 공부하다 to study / 요즘 these days / -ㄴ 것 같다 I think - / 맵다 spicy / 음식 food / 먹다 to eat / 지금 now / 찾다 to seek / 아기 baby / 밤 night / 되다 to become / 울다 to cry / 지금 now / 잠을 자다 to sleep / 잘 well / 오전 morning / 비가 오다 to rain / 햇빛 sun / 쨍쨍하다 to shine / 방금 just now / 까지 until / 인터넷 internet / 잘되다 to work well / 갑자기 suddenly / 먹통이다 to do not work / 어제 yesterday / 밤 night / 배 stomach / 아프다 painful / 괜찮다 okay / 축제 festival / 길거리 street / 떠들썩하다 tumultuous / 이제 now / 조용하다 quiet / 남자친구 boyfriend / 와 with / 매일 every day / 전화하다 to call / 요즘 these days / 안 not / 그녀 she / 집 house / 앞 in front of / 카페 cafe / 자주 frequently / 최근 recently / 다른 other / 곳 palce / 신입 직원 new employee / 첫 first / 발표 presentation / 긴장하다 nervous / 능숙하다 proficient


5. Answer

 울더니 / 비가 오더니 / 잘되더니 / 아프더니 / 떠들썩하더니 / 전화하더니 / 가더니 / 긴장하더니 


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