1. Explanation
: '-더니 3' is a connective particle that indicates a result what someone knows based on past observations. It is attached after verbs, adjectives, '-이다.', '-아니다.' It always conjugates with '-더니'. Let's look at the examples.
Source : National Institute of Korean language
2. Examples
신시아 님은 한국어를 꾸준히 공부하더니 TOPIK 6급을 받았어요. (Cynthia studied Korean consistently and got a TOPIK grade 6.)
*공부하다 to study
1) A verb stem is '공부하-'
2) It conjugates with '-더니'
3) 공부하더니
여동생이 매운 음식을 많이 먹더니 배가 아프데요. (My younger sister ate a lot of spicy food, she has a stomachache.)
*먹다 to eat
1) A verb stem is '먹-'
2) It conjugates with '-더니'
3) 먹더니
친구가 한국 영화를 자주 보더니 한국어 실력이 늘었어요. (My friend frequently watched Korean movies, and his Korean skills improved.)
*보다 to watch
1) An adjective stem is '보-'
2) It conjugates with '-더니'
3) 보더니
누나가 BTS의 노래를 매일 듣더니 모든 가사를 외웠어요. (My older sister listened to BTS's songs every day, and then she momorized all the lyrics.)
*듣다 to listen
1) A verb stem is '듣-'
2) It conjugates with '-더니'
3) 듣더니
슬라바가 열심히 다이빙을 훈련하더니 대회에서 우승했어요. (Slava trained hard in diving, and she won at the competitoin.)
*훈련하다 to train
1) A verb stem is '훈련하-'
2) It conjugates with '-더니'
3) 훈련하더니
운동 후에 팔이 계속 아프더니 뼈에 금이 간 거였어요. (After exercising, my arm is painful, and my born is fractured.)
*아프다 painful
1) An adjective stem is '아프-'
2) It conjugates with '-더니'
3) 아프더니
오늘따라 날씨가 쌀쌀하더니 겨울이 시작되나 봐요. (The weather feels chilly today, it seems winter is starting.)
*쌀쌀하다 chilly
1) An adjective stem is '쌀쌀하-'
2) It conjugates with '-더니'
3) 쌀쌀하더니
수업 시작할 때부터 졸리더니 결국 수업 시간에 잠이 들었어요. (I felt sleepy since the start of class, and I finally fell asleep during the lesson.)
*졸리다 sleepy
1) An adjective stem is '졸리-'
2) It conjugates with '-더니'
3) 졸리더니
3. Practice
He always read books and wrote, and he became a writer.
그는 항상 책을 읽고 _______________ 작가가 되었어요. ( *글을 쓰다 to write )
My older sister started learning Pilates, and noticeably became healthier.
언니가 요가를 _______________ 눈에 띄게 건강해졌어요. ( *배우다 to learn )
My friend drank several cups of coffee and ended up staying up all night.
친구가 커피를 여러 잔 _______________ 밤을 새우고 말았어요. ( *마시다 to drink )
The researcher kept postponing the report and eventually missed the deadline.
연구원이 보고서를 계속 _______________ 결국 마감일을 놓쳤어요. ( *미루다 to postpone )
The shepherd boy keeps lying, and eventually no one believed him.
양치기 소년이 계속 _______________ 결국 아무도 그를 믿지 않게 되었어요. ( *거짓말하다 to lie )
My younger brother played computer games late at night, and his eyesight got worse.
남동생이 밤 늦게 컴퓨터 _______________ 시력이 나빠졌어요. ( *게임을 하다 to play the game )
I often talked with my Korean friend, and my speaking skills improved.
한국인 친구와 자주 _______________ 말하기 실력이 늘었어요. ( *대화하다 to talk )
My friend got rained on becuase she didn't have an umbrella, and she caught a cold.
친구가 우산이 없어서 _______________ 감기에 걸렸어요. ( *비를 맞다 to get rained on )
4. Vocabulary
그녀 she / 한국어 Korean / 꾸준히 consistently / 공부하다 to study / (number)급 grade / 받다 to get / 여동생 younger sister / 맵다 spicy / 음식 food / 많이 a lot of / 먹다 to eat / 배 stomach / 아프다 painful / 친구 friend / 한국 Korea / 영화 movie / 자주 frequently, often / 보다 to watch / 실력 skill / 늘다 to improve / 누나 older sister(male->female) / 열심히 hard / 다이빙 diving / 훈련하다 to train / 대회 competition / 우승하다 to win / 운동하다 to exercise / 팔 arm / 뼈 bone / 금이 가다 to be fractured / 오늘 today / 쌀쌀하다 chilly / 겨울 winter / 시작하다 to start / 수업 class / 시작 start / 때 when / 부터 since / 졸다 to doze / 결국 finally, eventually / 잠들다 to sleep / 그 he / 항상 always / 책 book / 읽다 to read / 글을 쓰다 to write / 작가 writer / 되다 to become / 언니 older sister (female->female) / 요가 yoga / 배우다 to learn / 눈에 띄게 noticeably / 건강하다 healthy / 커피 coffee / 여러 several / 잔 cup / 마시다 to drink / 밤을 새우다 to stay up all night / -고 말다 ended up / 연구원 researcher / 보고서 report / 계속 -하다 keep - / 미루다 to postpone / 마감일 deadline / 양치기 shepherd / 소년 boy / 거짓말하다 to lie / 아무도 no one / 믿다 to believe / 남동생 younger brother / 밤 night / 늦게 late / 컴퓨터 computer / 게임을 하다 to play the game / 시력 eyesight / 나쁘다 bad / 한국인 Korean / 대화하다 to talk / 말하기 speaking / 우산 umbrella / 없다 there's no / 비를 맞다 to get rained on / 감기에 걸리다 to catch a cold
5. Answer
쓰더니 / 배우더니 / 마시더니 / 미루더니 / 거짓말하더니 / 게임을 하더니 / 대화하더니 / 비를 맞더니
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