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전체 글107

Korean grammar '-면/으면' 1. Explanation : '-면/으면' is used in two ways. However you can translate it as 'If or When'. First, '-면/으면' used to indicating that the preceding clause is the condition for the following clause happening. But, it's not an assurance but an assumption. These forms are conjugated with the verb or adjective. When the verb stem or the adjective stem ends with vowel or 'ㄹ' consonant, it conjutes with .. 2024. 2. 1.
Korean grammar '-ㄹ래요/을래요.' 1. Explanation : '-ㄹ래요/을래요.' indicates the speaker's intention. It attached after the verb stem, and express 'want to -, I will -'.  '-ㄹ래요.' conjugates with vowel ending verbs and consonant 'ㄹ' ending verbs. However '-을래요.' conjugates with consonant ending verbs.  It's pretty different from '-고 싶다.'(Korean grammar #18) When people use '-ㄹ래요/을래요', the action is likely to happen soon. On the other.. 2024. 2. 1.
Korean grammar '-고' 1. Explanation : '-고' connects verbs or adjectives. It is used to list action, states or indicate preceding clause happened before following clause. So, it can be translated as 'and'. This is similar with 'Korean grammar #8 -와/과/하고'. The difference between them is that '-고' conjugates with verbs or adjectives, while '-와/과/하고' counjugates with nouns. Let's look at examples together. 2. Examples 저.. 2024. 1. 30.
Korean grammar '-니까/으니까' 1. Explanation : '-니까/으니까' expresses the reason of verbs or adjectives. You can translate this as 'because' or 'since'. '-니까' is conjugated with verbs or adjectives that end with a vowel or a final consonant 'ㄹ'. '-으니까' is conjugated with verbs or adjectives that end with a consonant(except 'ㄹ'). Commonly, this form is used with another verb or adjective in same sentence. Let's look at examples .. 2024. 1. 29.
Korean grammar '-네요/이네요.' 1. Explanation : '-네요.-이네요.' indicates surprise or agreement. So, it will be helpful to think this form emphasize the meaning. It conjugates with the verb or the adjective. However it also counjugates with the noun. So, we should check the form of each case. First, when this form conjugates with the verb or the adjectvie, we should use '-네요.' Second, when it conjugates with the noun, we should c.. 2024. 1. 26.
Korean grammar '~에서/부터~까지' 1. Explanation : '~에서/부터~까지' indicates a range of distance or a period of time. There is no strict grammar for using between '~에서 ~까지' and '~부터 ~까지'. However we use these two particles in a specific way. Mostly, location or place nouns are conjugated with '~에서 ~까지'. While time or date nouns are conjugated with '~부터 ~까지'. Even they conjugate with different types of nouns, they have a same meaning.. 2024. 1. 25.