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Korean Grammar

Korean grammar '-ㄹ래요/을래요.'

by jeongussaem 2024. 2. 1.

1. Explanation

 : '-ㄹ래요/을래요.' indicates the speaker's intention. It attached after the verb stem, and express 'want to -, I will -'.  '-ㄹ래요.' conjugates with vowel ending verbs and consonant 'ㄹ' ending verbs. However '-을래요.' conjugates with consonant ending verbs.  It's pretty different from '-고 싶다.'(Korean grammar #18) When people use '-ㄹ래요/을래요', the action is likely to happen soon. On the other hand, when people use '-고 싶다.', the action may not happen soon or somtimes might not happen at all. So, even though both forms can be translated as 'I want to -', you need to distinguish the nuance of each expressions. 

  *You can also make questions using the question marker like '-ㄹ래요?/을래요?'. It's similar to '-ㄹ까요?/을까요?'(Korean grammar #16).   


2. Examples

 내일부터 공부할래요. (I'll study from tomorrow.)

 *공부하다 to study

  1) A verb stem is '공부하-'

  2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅏ'

  3) It conjugates with '-ㄹ래요.'

  4) 공부할래요.


 심심해서 유튜브 볼래요. (I'll watch Youtube cause I'm bored.)

 *보다 to watch

  1) A verb stem is '보-'

  2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅗ'

  3) It conjugates with '-ㄹ래요.'

  4) 볼래요.


 피곤해서 잘래요. (I'll sleep cause I'm tired.)

 *자다 to sleep

  1) A verb stem is '자-'

  2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅏ'

  3) It conjugates with '-ㄹ래요.'

  4) 잘래요.


 BTS 콘서트 티켓이 있어요. 같이 갈래요? (I have tickets for the BTS concert. Do you want to go together?)

 *가다 to go

  1) A verb stem is '가-'

  2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅏ'

  3) It conjugates with '-ㄹ래요.'

  4) Add a question marker '?'

  5) 갈래요?


 내일 친구 생일이에요. 올래요? (Tomorrow is my friend's birthday. Would you like to come?)

 *오다 to come

  1) A verb stem is '오-'

  2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅗ'

  3) It conjugates with '-ㄹ래요.'

  4) Add a question marker '?'

  5) 올래요?


 책이 도착했어요. 집에 가서 읽을래요. (The book has arrived. I want to go home and read it.)

 *읽다 to read

  1) A verb stem is '읽-'

  2) It ends with a consonant 'ㄺ' ending

  3) It conjugates with '-을래요.'

  4) 읽을래요.


 너무 추워요. 따뜻하게 입을래요. (It's too cold. I'll wear warmly.)

 *입다 to wear

  1) A verb stem is '입-'

  2) It ends with a consonant 'ㅂ'

  3) It conjugates with '-을래요.'

  4) 입을래요.


 머리가 아파요. 집에 있을래요. (I have a headache. I want to stay at home.)

 *있다 to stay, to be

  1) A verb stem is '있-'

  2) It ends with a consonant 'ㅆ'

  3) It conjugates with '-을래요.'

  4) 있을래요.


 저 벤치에 앉을래요? (Shall we sit on that bench?)

 *앉다 to sit

  1) A verb stem is '앉-'

  2) It ends with a consonant 'ㄵ'

  3) It conjugates with '-을래요.'

  4) Add a question marker '?'

  5) 앉을래요?


 배고파요. 같이 보쌈 먹을래요? (I'm hungry. Do you want to eat bossam together?)

 *먹다 to eat

  1) A verb stem is '먹-'

  2) It ends with a consonant 'ㄱ'

  3) It conjugates with '-을래요.'

  4) Add a question marker '?'

  5) 먹을래요?


3. Practice

 I will go to the movie theater.

 영화관에 _______________. ( *가다 to go )


 I will sleep on the sofa.

 소파에서 _______________. ( *자다 to sleep)


 I'm sad. But I'll smile.

 슬프지만 _______________. ( *웃다 to smile )


 I will buy a tomato for lunch.

 점심으로 토마토를 _______________. ( *사다 to buy )


 This paper is big. I will fold this paper.

 종이가 커요. 종이를 _______________. ( *접다 to fold )


 It's very windy. I will close the door.

 바람이 많이 불어요. 창문을 _______________. ( *닫다 to close )


 I don't need it anymore. I will sell it cheap.

 저한테 더 이상 필요 없어요. 싸게 _______________. ( *팔다 to sell )


 I will drink coffee after haveing a meal.

 밥을 먹고 커피를 _______________. ( *마시다 to drink )


4. Vocabulary

 내일 tomorrow / 부터 from / 공부하다 to study / 심심하다 bored / 유튜브 Youtube / 보다 to watch / 피곤하다 tired / 자다 to sleep / 콘서트 concert / 티켓 ticket / 있다 to have / 같이 together / 가다 to go / 친구 friend / 생일 birthday / 오다 to come / 책 book / 도착하다 to arrive / 집 home / 읽다 to read / 너무 too / 춥다 cold / 따뜻하다 warm / 입다 to wear / 머리 head / 머리가 아프다 headache / 집 home / 있다 stay / 저 that / 벤치 bench / 앉다 to sit / 배고프다 hungry / 보쌈 bossam / 먹다 to eat / 영화관 movie theater / 소파 sofa / 슬프다 sad / 웃다 to smile / 점심 lunch / 토마토 tomato / 사다 to buy / 종이 paper / 크다 big / 접다 to fold / 바람 wind / 많이 very / 불다 to blow / 창문 window / 닫다 to close / 필요 없다 don't need to / 싸다 cheap / 팔다 to sell / 밥 meal, rice / 커피 coffee / 마시다 to drink


5. Answer

  갈래요 / 잘래요 / 웃을래요 / 살래요 / 접을래요 / 닫을래요 / 팔래요 / 마실래요


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