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전체 글107

Korean grammar '-만 같아도' 1. Explanation : '-만 같아도' is an expression indicating assuming a certain time or situation for comparison. It is attached after nouns, assuming a certain time or situation for comparison. And then it describes the following contents. To simplify, it means 'if- '. However this expression emphasizes the meaning of comparing a specific time or situation and assuming a different state. You don't nee.. 2024. 7. 3.
Korean grammar '-아도/어도/여도(해도) 되다.' 1. Explanation : '-아도/어도/여도(해도) 되다' is an expression indicating permission or allowance for particular situation or circumstance. So, it indicates permission or allowance for a certain action or state. It is used when someone asks whether something is allowed or responds to indicate permission. It is attached after verbs and adjectives. Let's look at examples.   (1) If the verb stem has vowel 'ㅏ.. 2024. 7. 3.
Korean grammar '-아서/어서/여서(해서) 인지' 1. Explanation : '-아서/어서/여서(해서)인지' is an expression that indicates speculation about the cause or reason. So, the preceding clause is the cause or reason of following clause. Also, This expression is used when it is  difficult to speak conclusively about cause or reason. Let's look at examples.   (1) If the verb stem has vowel 'ㅏ or ㅗ',      you have to conjugate it with '-아서인지'  (2) If the verb.. 2024. 7. 1.
Korean grammar '-ㄴ 지/은 지' 1. Explanation : '-ㄴ 지/은 지' is an expression indicating the passage of time regarding a certain action. It is attached after a verb, and is used to indicate the time has passed after doing something. '-ㄴ 지' conjugates with vowel ending verbs or consonant 'ㄹ' ending verbs. However '-은 지' conjugates with consonant ending verbs. Let's look at examples. 2. Examples  ARMY가 된 지 5년이 됐어요. (It has been 5.. 2024. 6. 26.
Korean grammar '-고 말다.' 1. Explanation : '-고 말다.' is expression that something finally happend or ahcieved something at the end. You can use this expression that indicates something eventually happend. And when you feel disappointed or satisfied as things progress differently than expected. Or you can express that achieve something through hard work by using this. You can add particle '-겠-' between '말-' and '-다.' for i.. 2024. 6. 26.
Korean grammar '-지 말다.' 1. Explanation : '-지 말다.' is expression of indicating 'prohibition'. It is attached after verb, and it indicates prohibition of someone doing something. Usually it used to prohibit someone's action. Also this expressions aren't used as ifinitive. So, it would be helpful to learn this expressions with conjugated form.  1) Casual - Conjugates with '-라' => '-지 마라.' 2) Polite - Conjugates with '-세요... 2024. 6. 24.