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Korean Grammar

Korean grammar '-아서/어서/여서(해서) 인지'

by jeongussaem 2024. 7. 1.

Korean grammar #51 '-아서/어서/여서(해서) 인지'

1. Explanation

 : '-아서/어서/여서(해서)인지' is an expression that indicates speculation about the cause or reason. So, the preceding clause is the cause or reason of following clause. Also, This expression is used when it is  difficult to speak conclusively about cause or reason. Let's look at examples.


  (1) If the verb stem has vowel 'ㅏ or ㅗ',

      you have to conjugate it with '-아서인지'

  (2) If the verb stem has except vowel 'ㅏ or ㅗ',

      you have to conjugate it with '-어서인지'

  (3) The form '-하다.' changes to '-해서인지'

     * 하다 conjugates with '-여서인지' => '하여서인지' => '하여' can be contracted to '해' => '해서인지'


  * Tip : How to make past tense

    1) Step 1 - Cheak the verb or adjective stem 

    2) Step 2 - Cheak the ending syllable's vowel 

    3) Step 3 - Conjugate with the correct one


2. Examples

 새로운 방법을 찾아서인지 시간이 단축됐어요. (I guess the time has been shortened because I found the new way.)

 *찾다 to find

  1) A verb stem is '찾-'

  2) It has a vowel 'ㅏ'

  3) It conjugates with '-아서인지'

  4) 찾아서인지


 사람이 많아서인지 더 더운 것 같아요. (Maybe there are many people, it seems hotter.)

 *많다 many

  1) An adjective stem is '많-'

  2) It has a vowel 'ㅏ'

  3) It conjugates with '-아서인지'

  4) 많아서인지


 올리브영에서 화장품을 많이 사서인지 VIP회원이 됐어요. (I guess I became a VIP member because I boutght a lot of cosmetics.)

 *사다 to buy

  1) A verb stem is '사-'

  2) It has a vowel 'ㅏ'

  3) It conjugates with '-아서인지'

  4) 사아서인지

  5) '사아' can be contracted to '사'

  6) 사서인지


 손으로 직접 적어서인지 기억이 더 잘나요. (I remember better, maybe because I wrote it down by hand.)

 *적다 to write

  1) A verb stem '적-'

  2) It has a vowel 'ㅓ'

  3) It conjugates with '-어서인지'

  4) 적어서인지


 너무 오래 쉬어서인지 기억이 나지 않네요. (I can't remember, perhaps I took a rest too long.)

 *쉬다 to take a rest

  1) A verb stem is '쉬-'

  2) It has a vowel 'ㅟ'

  3) It conjugates with '-어서인지'

  4) 쉬어서인지


 정원이 넓어서인지 벌레가 많네요. (There are many insects, maybe because the garden is wide.)

 *넓다 wide

  1) An adjective stem is '넓-'

  2) It has a vowel 'ㅓ'

  3) It conjugates with '-어서인지'

  4) 넓어서인지


 오랫동안 걱정해서인지 결과에 만족해요. (I'm satisfied with the result, perhaps because I worried for a long time.)

 *걱정하다 to worry

  1) A form of the word is '-하다.'

  2) '-하다' changes to '-해서인지'

  3) 걱정해서인지


 피곤해서인지 눈곱이 끼었어요. (I guess I had sleep on my eye becuase I'm tired.)

 *피곤하다 to be tired

  1) A form of the word is '-하다'

  2) '-하다' changes to '-해서인지'

  3) 피곤해서인지


 어제 무리하게 노래해서인지 목이 아파요. (My throat hurts, maybe because I sang too hard yesterday.)

 *노래하다 to sing

  1) A form of the word is '-하다'

  2) '-하다' changes to '-해서인지'

  3) 노래해서인지


3. Practice

 The scissors are worn out, so the hair doesn't cut well.

 가위가 _______________ 머리카락이 잘 잘리지 않네요. ( *낡다  worn out )


 She looks very happy, maybe because she married the person she loves.

 그녀는 사랑하는 사람과 _____________ 무척 행복해 보여요. ( *결혼하다 to marry )


 It's taking a long time for the delivery, maybe because it was sent during the holiday.

 명절에 택배를 _____________ 배송시간이 오래 걸리네요. ( *보내다 to send )


 My throat hurts because the weather is bad.

 날씨가 _____________ 목이 아파요. ( *안 좋다 bad )


 I'm sleepy, perhaps because I ate a lot.

 밥을 많이 _____________ 졸려요. ( *먹다 to eat )


 I got cramps in my claves, perhaps because I climbed mountain Hallasan.

 한라산을 _____________ 종아리에 쥐가 났어요. ( *등산하다 to climb )


 You seem happier than usual, maybe because you left work early.

 평소보다 일찍 _____________ 표정이 밝아 보여요. ( *퇴근하다 to leave work )


 I felt a bit awkward because I met my friend after 10 years.

 10년 만에 친구를 _____________ 조금 어색했어요. ( *만나다 to meet )


4. Vocabulary

 새로운 new / 방법 way / 찾다 to find / 시간 time / 단축하다 to shorten / 사람 people / 많다 many / 더 more / 덥다 hot / -것 같아요 look like / 화장품 cosmetics / 많이 a lot / 사다 to buy / VIP very important person / 회원 member / 되다 to become / 손 hand / 직접 directly / 적다 to write / 기억 memory / 기억이 잘나다 to remember well / 너무 too / 오래 long / 쉬다 to take a rest / 기억이 안나다 can't remember / 정원 garden / 넓다 wide / 벌레 insect / 걱정하다 to worry / 결과 result / 만족하다 to satisfy / 피곤하다 to be tired / 눈곱이 끼다 to have sleep on one's eye / 어제 yesterday / 무리하게 too hard / 노래하다 to sing / 목이 아프다 throat hurt / 가위 scissors / 낡다 to be worn out / 머리카락 hair / 잘리다 to cut / 잘 well / 그녀 she / 사랑하다 to love / 과 with / 결혼하다 to marry / 무척 a lot / 행복하다 happy / 보이다 look / 명절 holiday / 택배 parcel / 보내다 to send / 배송시간 delivery time / 오래 long / 걸리다 to take / 날씨 weather / 안 좋다 bad / 밥 meal / 많이 a lot / 먹다 to eat / 졸리다 be sleepy / 등산하다 to climb / 종아리 clave / 쥐 나다 to get cramps / 평소 usual / 보다 rather than / 일찍 early / 퇴근하다 to leave work / 표정 look / 밝아 보이다 look happy / 10년 10 years / (기간) 만에 after (period) / 친구 friend / 만나다 to meet / 조금 a bit / 어색하다 awkward


5. Answer

 낡아서인지 / 결혼해서인지 / 보내서인지 / 안 좋아서인지 / 먹어서인지 / 등산해서인지 / 퇴근해서인지 / 만나서인지
