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Korean grammar '-에 3' 1. Explanation : '-에 3' is an particle that indicates a destination of action. It is attached after nouns. It always conjugates with '-에'. Let's look at the examples. 2. Examples 엄마랑 BTS 콘서트에 가요. (I'm going to the BTS concert with my mom.) *콘서트 concert  1) A word '콘서트' is a noun 2) It conjugates with '-에' 3) 콘서트에  저녁 먹고 공원에 산책하러 가요. (After having a dinner, I'm going for a walk in the park.) *공원 .. 2024. 10. 21.
Korean grammar '-에 2' 1. Explanation : '-에 2' is an particle that indicates a starting point of actions or states. It is attached after nouns. It always conjugates with '-에'. Let's look at the examples. 2. Examples 보통 점심시간에 낮잠을 자요. (Usually, I take a nap during lunch break.) *점심시간 lunch break 1) A word '점심시간' is a noun 2) It conjugates with '-에' 3) 점심시간에  오늘 아침에 샐러드를 먹었어요. (I ate salad this morning.) *아침 morning  1) .. 2024. 10. 18.
Korean grammar '-에서 2' 1. Explanation : '-에서 2' is an particle that indicates a starting point of actions. It is attached after nouns. It always conjugates with '-에서'. Let's look at the examples. 2. Examples 저는 타슈겐트에서 왔습니다. (I came from Tashkent.) *타슈겐트 Tashkent  1) A word '타슈겐트' is a noun 2) It conjugates with '-에서' 3) 타슈겐트에서  BTS는 평범한 가수에서 K-POP의 아이콘이 되었어요. (BTS has become an icon of K-POP from an ordinary singer.) .. 2024. 10. 17.
Korean grammar '-을 것 1' 1. Explanation : '-을 것1' is an ending particle that indicates order or instruction. It indicates the necessity or obligation to do a certain task, or informs someone about what they shold do. It used in written language. It is attached after verbs. The ending particle '-ㄹ 것' conjugates with vowel ending words or consonant 'ㄹ' ending words. However the ending particle '-을 것' conjugates with conso.. 2024. 10. 14.
Korean grammar '-은 것 1' 1. Explanation : '-은 것1' is an ending particle that changes verbs into nouns. So, it allows the conjugated form to function as a noun in a sentence. Therefore it can be used as a subject, object or modifier like a noun. And it indicates certain actions, facts that happend in the past. It is attached after verbs. The ending particle '-ㄴ 것' conjugates with vowel ending words or consonant 'ㄹ' endin.. 2024. 10. 7.
Korean grammar '-는 것' 1. Explanation : '-는 것' is an ending particle that changes verbs into nouns. So, it allows the conjugated form to function as a noun in a sentence. Therefore it can be used as a subject, object or modifier like a noun. And it indicates certain actions, facts or things that related to actions. It is attached after verbs, '있다.', '없다.' And it can conjugate with every forms of words. You should be c.. 2024. 10. 4.