1. Explanation
: '-을 것1' is an ending particle that indicates order or instruction. It indicates the necessity or obligation to do a certain task, or informs someone about what they shold do. It used in written language. It is attached after verbs. The ending particle '-ㄹ 것' conjugates with vowel ending words or consonant 'ㄹ' ending words. However the ending particle '-을 것' conjugates with consonant ending words. Let's look at examples.
*The National Institute of the Korean Langugage
2. Examples
매일 아침마다 스트레칭을 할 것. (Strech every morning.)
*하다 to do
1) A verb stem is '하-'
2) It conjugates with '-ㄹ 것'
3) 할 것
냄비 뚜껑을 바로 열지 말고 5분 동안 기다릴 것. (Don't open the lid right away, wait for 5 minutes.)
*기다리다 to wait
1) A verb stem is '기다리-'
2) It conjugates with '-ㄹ 것'
3) 기다릴 것
회의 시작 5분 전까지 올 것. (Come by 5 minutes before the meeting starts.)
*오다 to come
1) A verb stem is '오-'
2) It conjugates with '-ㄹ 것'
3) 올 것
주짓수 경기에서 반드시 이길 것. (Must win this Jiu-Jitsu match.)
*이기다 to win
1) A verb stem is '이기-'
2) It conjugates with '-ㄹ 것'
3) 이길 것
올해는 담배를 끊을 것. (Quit smoking this year.)
*끊다 to quit
1) A verb stem is '끊-'
2) It conjugates with '-을 것'
3) 끊을 것
사용 전에 사용법을 주의 깊게 읽을 것. (Carefully read the instructions before use it.)
*읽다 to read
1) A verb stem is '읽-'
2) It conjugates with '-을 것'
3) 읽을 것
절대 포기하지 않을 것. (Never give up.)
*포기하다 to give up
1) A verb stem is '포기하-'
2) Make is as a negative sentence
3) '-지 않-'
4) It conjugates with '-을 것'
5) 포기하지 않을 것
밥을 규칙적으로 먹을 것. (Eat regularly.)
*먹다 to eat
1) A verb stem is '먹-'
2) It conjugates with '-을 것'
3) 먹을 것
3. Practice
Preapare warm clothes as there is a large daily temperature difference.
일교차가 크니까 따뜻한 옷을 ______________. ( *준비하다 to prepare )
Clean the coffee machine after use.
커피 머신을 사용 후 깨끗하게 ______________. ( *씻다 to clean )
Bring an umbrella as it might rain.
비가 올 수 있으니 우산을 ______________. ( *챙기다 to bring )
Speak quietly as the soundproofing is not good.
방음이 잘 되지 않으니 조용히 ______________. ( *말하다 to speak )
Don't throw away trash carelessly on the street.
쓰레기를 길에다가 함부로 ______________. ( *버리다 to throw away, -지 않- not )
Wipe the windows once a week.
일주일에 한 번 창문을 ______________. ( *닦다 to wipe )
Don't lose your chance.
기회를 ______________. ( *놓치다 to lose, -지 않- not )
Save electricity during the summer season.
여름철 전기를 아껴 ______________. ( *쓰다 to use )
4. Vocabulary
스트레칭하다 to stretch / 아침 morning / -마다 each, every / 냄비 pot / (냄비) 뚜껑 lid / 바로 right away / 열다 to open / 분 minutes / 동안 during / 기다리다 to wait / 회의 meeting / 시작 start / 전 before / 까지 by / 오다 to come / 주짓수 Jiu-Jitsu / 경기 match / 반드시 must / 이기다 to win / 올해 this year / 담배 cigarette / 끊다 to quit / 사용 use / 사용법 instruction / 주의 깊게 carefully / 읽다 to read / 절대 never / 포기하다 to give up / -지 않- not / 밥을 먹다 to eat / 규칙적 regularly / 일교차 daily temperature difference / 크다 large / 따뜻한 warm / 옷 clothes / 준비하다 to prepare / 커피 coffee / 머신 machine / 씻다 to clean / 비 rain / 우산 umbrella / 챙기다 to bring / 방음 soundproofing / 잘 well / 조용히 quietly / 말하다 to speak / 쓰레기 trash / 길 street / 함부로 carelessly / 버리다 to throw away / 일주일 week / 한 번 once / 창문 window / 닦다 to wipe / 기회 chance / 놓치다 to lose / 여름 summer / 철 season / 전기 electricity / 아끼다 to save / 쓰다 to use
5. Answer
준비할 것 / 읽을 것 / 챙길 것 / 말할 것 / 버리지 않을 것 / 닦을 것 / 놓치지 않을 것 / 참을 것
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