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Korean grammar '-고' 1. Explanation : '-고' connects verbs or adjectives. It is used to list action, states or indicate preceding clause happened before following clause. So, it can be translated as 'and'. This is similar with 'Korean grammar #8 -와/과/하고'. The difference between them is that '-고' conjugates with verbs or adjectives, while '-와/과/하고' counjugates with nouns. Let's look at examples together. 2. Examples 저.. 2024. 1. 30.
Korean grammar '-니까/으니까' 1. Explanation : '-니까/으니까' expresses the reason of verbs or adjectives. You can translate this as 'because' or 'since'. '-니까' is conjugated with verbs or adjectives that end with a vowel or a final consonant 'ㄹ'. '-으니까' is conjugated with verbs or adjectives that end with a consonant(except 'ㄹ'). Commonly, this form is used with another verb or adjective in same sentence. Let's look at examples .. 2024. 1. 29.
Korean grammar '-ㅂ니다/습니다.' 1. Explanation : '-ㅂ니다/습니다.' is used in conjugation with verbs or adjectives in the Korean language. And it makes formal statement. We learned '-아요/어요/여요(해요).' in Korean grammar #4. '-ㅂ니다/습니다.' is more formal expression. So you can use this in official situaions such as a broadcast, an official speech or a military service. Actually, it's not common to use this in our daily life. However, many t.. 2024. 1. 23.
Korean grammar '-로/으로 1' 1. Explanation : '-로/으로' is used in two diffent ways. First, it indicates means, methods or materials. Second, it indicates the direction or destination. And it is attached after noun. Depending on the form of the noun, they conjugates differently. When the noun ends with a vowel or 'ㄹ' consonant, it conjugates with '-로'. However the noun ends with a consonant, it conjugates with '-으로'. Let's lo.. 2024. 1. 21.
Korean grammar '못/-지 못하다.' 1. Explanation : '못/-지 못하다.' makes a negative sentence. You can add '못' in front of a verb. And there is a space between '못' and the verb. However, you can conjugate '-지 못하다' with a verb stem. Additionally, '못 하다' can be changed to '못 해요.' by using the ending particle '-해요.' One more thing, '못하다' can be used to the opposite meaning of '잘하다(= be good at)'. In that case, it would be better to tran.. 2024. 1. 17.
Korean grammar '-ㄹ까요?/을까요?' 1. Explanation : '-ㄹ까요?/을까요?' is used to ask for someone's opinion. And this particle also includes meaning of suggestion. So you can translate it as 'shall we/I -'. It is attached after a verb stem, and you should choose between '-ㄹ까요?' and '-을까요?' depending on the verb stem's form. '-ㄹ까요?' conjugates with vowel ending verbs and consonant 'ㄹ' ending verbs. However '-을까요?' conjugates with conson.. 2024. 1. 16.