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Korean Grammar

Korean grammar '-을 것 2'

by jeongussaem 2024. 10. 15.
Korean grammar #89 '-을 것2'

1. Explanation

 : '-을 것2' is an ending particle that changes verbs into nouns. So, it allows the conjugated form to function as a noun in a sentence. Therefore it can be used as a subject, object or modifier like a noun. And it indicates certain actions, facts that will happen in the future. It is attached after verbs, adjectives, '이다.', '아니다.' The ending particle '-ㄹ 것' conjugates with vowel ending words or consonant 'ㄹ' ending words. However the ending particle '-을 것' conjugates with consonant ending words. Let's look at examples.


*The National Institute of the Korean Langugage



2. Examples

 더운데 마실 것 좀 있어요? (It's hot. Do you have something to drink?) 

 *마시다 to drink 

  1) A verb stem is '마시-'

  2) It conjugates with '-ㄹ 것'

  3) 마실 것


 내일 눈이 올 것입니다. (It'll snow tomorrow.) 

 *오다 to come

  1) A verb stem is '오-'

  2) It conjugates with '-ㄹ 것'

  3) 올 것


 의사가 수술 후 경과 상태를 일주일 더 지켜볼 것이라고 말했다. (The doctor said he would watch the process after surgery for another week.) 

 *지켜보다 to watch

  1) A verb stem is '지켜보-'

  2) It conjugates with '-ㄹ 것'

  3) 지켜볼 것


 혼자서 여행 가면 심심할 것 같아요. (I think it will be boring to travel alone.) 

 *심심하다 bored

  1) An adjective stem is '심심하-'

  2) It conjugates with '-ㄹ 것'

  3) 심심할 것 


 오늘 관객이 많을 것이 예상돼요. (It is expected that there will be a lot of audience.)

 *많다 a lot

  1) An adjective stem is '많-'

  2) It conjugates with '-을 것'

  3) 많을 것


 이 옷은 저한테 작을 것 같은데요? (I think this closhes will be small for me.)

 *작다 small 

  1) An adjective stem is '작-'

  2) It conjugates with '-을 것'

  3) 작을 것

 내일이 친구 생일인데 입을 것이 없어요. (Tomorrow is my friend's birthday, but I have nothing to wear.

 *입다 to wear 

  1) A verb stem is '입-'

  2) It conjugates with '-을 것'

  3) 입을 것


 지수가 똑같은 실수를 하지 않을 것이라고 생각해요. (I think Ji-su will not make the same mistake again.)

 *실수하다 to make a mistake

  1) A verb stem is '실수하-'

  2) Make it as a negative sentence

  3) -지 않-

  4) It conjugates with '-을 것'

  5) 실수하지 않을 것


3. Practice

 Perhaps that couple will get married.

 그 커플은 아마도 _____________ 같아요. ( *결혼하다 to marry )


 Grandmother called and said she will arrive in five minutes.

 할머니가 5분 내로 _____________이라고 연락 왔어요. ( *도착하다 to arrive )

 The weather will be clear for a week starting today.

 오늘부터 일주일 동안 날씨가 _____________입니다. ( *맑다 clear )

 I will go to the movie theater with my family during Chuseok.

 추석에 가족과 함께 영화관에 _____________이에요. ( *가다 to go )

 I think the autumn picnic that will be scheduled next week will be fun.

 다음 주 가을 소풍은 정말 _____________이에요. ( *재미있다 fun )

 The weekend is expected to be cloudy.

 주말은 _____________이 예상됩니다. ( *흐리다 to cloudy )

 It won't be that cold outside.

 밖이 그렇게 _____________이에요. ( *춥다 cold, -지 않- not )

 The train will depart in ten minutes.

 기차는 10분 뒤 _____________입니다. ( *출발하다 to depart )


4. Vocabulary

 덥다 hot / 마시다 to drink / 좀 make request more politely / 내일 tomorrow / 눈 snow / 눈이 오다 to snow / 의사 doctor / 수술 surgery / 후 after / 경과 process / 일주일 a week / 더 more / 지켜보다 to watch / 말하다 to say / 혼자서 alone / 여행 가다 to go on a trip / 심심하다 bored / 오늘 today / 관객 audience / 많다 a lot / 예상하다 to expect / 옷 clothes / 한테 to / 작다 small / 친구 friend / 생일 birthday / 입다 to wear / 똑같다 same / 실수하다 to make a mistake / 생각하다 to think / 커플 couple / 아마도 probably / 결혼하다 to get married / 할머니 grandmother / 분 minutes / 내로 within / 도착하다 to arrive / 연락하다 to call / 부터 from / 동안 for, during / 날씨 weather / 맑음 clear / 추석 Chuseok / 가족 family / 함께 with / 영화관 movie theater / 가다 to go / 다음 next / 주 week / 가을 autumn / 소풍 picnic / 정말 really / 재미있다 fun / 주말 weekend / 흐리다 cloudy / 예상하다 to expect / 밖 outside / 춥다 cold / 그렇게 that (much) / 기차 train / 출발하다 to depart


5. Answer

 결혼할 것 / 도착할 것 / 맑을 것 / 갈 것 / 재미있을 것 / 흐릴 것 / 춥지 않을 것 / 출발할 것


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