1. Explanation
: '-은 것2' is an ending particle that changes verbs into nouns. So, it allows the conjugated form to function as a noun in a sentence. Therefore it can be used as a subject, object or modifier like a noun. And it describes the present state or indicates things related to the current situation. It is attached after adjectives '이다.', '아니다.' The ending particle '-ㄴ 것' conjugates with vowel ending words or consonant 'ㄹ' ending words. However the ending particle '-은 것' conjugates with consonant ending words. Let's look at examples.
2. Examples
하늘이 맑은 것이 제 기분을 들뜨게 해요.(The clear sky makes me feel excited.)
*맑다 clear
1) An adjective stem is '맑-'
2) It ends with a consonant 'ㄺ'
3) It conjugates with '-은 것'
4) 맑은 것
이번 실패로 많은 것을 배우게 되었어요. (I learned a lot from this failure.)
*많다 a lot
1) An adjective stem is '많-'
2) It ends with a consonant 'ㄶ'
3) It conjugates with '-은 것'
4) 많은 것
방이 깨끗하고 좋은데, 좁은 것이 마음에 걸려요. (The room is clean and nice, but the fact that it's small is on my mind.)
*좁다 small
1) An adjective stem is '좁-'
2) It ends with a consonant 'ㅂ'
3) It conjugates with '-은 것'
4) 좁은 것
비가 많이 왔기 때문에 그가 약속에 늦은 것을 탓하지 않았어요. (I didn't blame him for being late to the plan, because it rained a lot.)
*늦다 to late
1) An adjective stem is '늦-'
2) It ends with a consonant 'ㅈ'
3) It conjugates with '-은 것'
4) 늦은 것
권투 시합에 너무 몰입해서 아픈 것을 몰랐어요. (I was so absorbed in the boxing match that I didn't notice the pain.)
*아프다 painful
1) An adjective stem is '아프-'
2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅡ'
3) It conjugates with '-ㄴ 것'
4) 아픈 것
커피는 진한 것을 선호해요. (I prefer strong coffee.)
*진하다 thick, strong
1) An adjective stem is '진하-'
2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅏ'
3) It conjugates with '-ㄴ 것'
4) 진한 것
침대는 편한 것이 최고예요. (A comfortable bed is the best.)
*편하다 comfort
1) An adjective stem is '편하-'
2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅏ'
3) It conjugates with '-ㄴ 것'
4) 편한 것
색깔은 이쁜데, 사이즈가 큰 것이 걱정돼요. (The color is pretty, but I'm worried about the size being too big.)
*크다 big
1) An adjective stem is '크-'
2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅡ'
3) It conjugates with '-ㄴ 것'
4) 큰 것
3. Practice
A shortage is a problem, but having pleny is not.
___________은 문제지만 ___________은 문제가 안 돼요. ( *부족하다 shortage, 많다 plenty )
I chose bright wallpaper for the baby's room.
아기방의 도배지는 ___________으로 골랐어요. ( *밝다 bright )
Sharing joy makes it double.
___________을 나누면 두 배가 돼요. ( *기쁘다 joy )
She told me that her favorite singer is BTS.
그녀가 자신의 최애 가수가 BTS ___________을 알려주었어요. ( *noun이다 be )
I just heard that the exam date is not today.
시험 날짜가 오늘이 ___________을 방금 들었어요. ( *아니다 not )
Sometimes people have to do things they don't like.
가끔은 ___________도 해야 할 때가 있어요. ( *싫다 don't like )
I like sweet things more than bitter ones.
쓴 것보다는 ___________이 좋아요. ( *쓰다 bitter / 달콤하다 sweet )
Being kind and sweet is one of her greatest virtues.
___________은 그녀의 가장 큰 장점 중하나예요. ( *다정다감하다 kind and sweet )
4. Vocabulary
하늘 sky / 맑다 clear / 제 my / 기분 feeling / 들뜨게 하다 make someone excited / 이번 this / 실패 failure / 많다 a lot / 배우다 to learn / 방 room / 깨끗하다 clean / 좋다 nice / 좁다 small / 마음에 걸리다 be on one's mind / 비 rain / 오다 to come / 때문에 because / 약속 plan / 늦다 late / 탓하다 to blame / 권투 boxing / 시합 match / 너무 too / 몰입하다 to be absorbed / 아프다 painful / 모르다 don't know / 커피 coffee / 진하다 thick, strong / 선호하다 to prefer / 침대 bed / 편하다 comfortable / 색깔 color / 이쁘다 pretty / 사이즈 size / 크다 big / 걱정하다 to worry / 부족하다 shortage / 문제 problem / 많다 plenty / 아기 baby / 방 room / 도배지 wallpaper / 밝다 bright / 고르다 to choose / 기쁘다 joy / 것 thing / 나누다 to share / 두 배 twice / 그녀 she / 자신 oneself / 의 of / 최애 favorite / 가수 singer / 알리다 to tell / 시험 exam / 날짜 date / 오늘 today / 아니다 not / 방금 just / 듣다 to hear / 가끔 sometimes / 싫다 don't like / 해야 하다 to have to do / 때 time / 쓰다 bitter / 달콤하다 sweet / 좋아하다 to like / 다정다감하다 kind and sweet / 그녀 her / 가장 the most / 큰 great / 장점 virtue / 중 between, among / 하나 one / -중에 하나 one of the -
5. Answer
부족한 것, 많은 것 / 밝은 것 / 기쁜 것 / 인 것 / 아닌 것 / 싫은 것 / 쓴 것, 달콤한 것 / 다정다감한 것
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