1. Explanation
: '-ㅁ/음' is an ending particle that changes verbs and adjectives into nouns. So, it allows the conjugated form to function as a noun in the sentence. Therefore it can be used as a subject or object, like a noun. It is attached after verbs, adjectives, '-이다.', '아니다.' '-ㅁ' conjugates with vowel ending nouns or final consonanat '-ㄹ' ending nouns. However '-음' conjugates with consonant ending nouns. Let's look at examples.
*Source : National Institute of Korean Language
2. Examples
서로의 다름을 이해하는 시간을 가졌어요. (We had time to understand each other's differences.)
*다르다 different
1) A adjective stem is '다르-'
2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅡ'
3) It conjugates with '-ㅁ'
4) 다름
가을 아침의 선선함은 언제나 새로워요. (The coolness of autumn mornings never gets old.)
*선선하다 cool
1) A adjective stem is '선선하-'
2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅏ'
3) It conjugates with '-ㅁ'
4) 선선함
할머니는 늦은 나이에 다시 배움의 길에 들어섰어요. (My grandmother got into her journey of learning again at an old age.)
*배우다 to learn
1) A verb stem is '배우-'
2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅜ'
3) It conjugates with '-ㅁ'
4) 배움
소소한 행복이 깃든 저의 삶에 감사해요. (I'm grateful that small happiness dwells in my life.)
*살다 to live
1) A verb stem is '살-'
2) It ends with a consonant 'ㄹ'
3) It conjugates with '-ㅁ'
4) 삶
바다가 끝없이 넓음을 다시 한번 느꼈어요. (I felt the endless wide of the sea once again.)
*넓다 wide
1) A adjective stem is '넓-'
2) It ends with a consonant 'ㄼ'
3) It conjugates with '-음'
4) 넓음
오늘 날씨 맑음. (The weather is clear today.)
*맑다 clean
1) A adjective stem is '맑-'
2) It ends with a consonant 'ㄺ'
3) It conjugates with '-음'
4) 맑음
매일 아침 책을 읽음은 큰 기쁨이에요. (Reading books every morning is great joy.)
*읽다 to read
1) A verb stem is '읽-'
2) It ends with a consonant 'ㄺ'
3) It conjugates with '-음'
4) 읽음
오후 1시에 수업이 있음을 잊어버렸어요. (I forgot that I have a class at 1p.m.)
*있다 there is
1) A verb stem is '있-'
2) It ends with a consonant 'ㅆ'
3) It conjugates with '-음'
4) 있음
3. Practice
Jean Valjean asserted his innocence.
장발장은 자신의 ___________을 주장했어요. ( *결백하다 innocent )
The professor emphasized the importance of the presentation assignment.
교수님이 발표 과제가 ___________을 강조하셨어요. ( *중요하다 important )
The sound of laugh didn't stop at Christmas.
크리스마스에 ___________ 소리가 끊이질 않았어요. ( *웃다 to laugh )
Lionel Messi's excellence shone in the final match.
결승전에서 리오넬 메시의 ___________이 빛났어요. ( *탁월하다 excellent )
If there is a new encounter, there will be farewells as well.
새로운 ___________이 있으면 ___________도 있기 마련이에요. ( *만나다 to meet / 떠나다 to leave )
Everyone was amazed by Usain Bolt's speed.
우사인 볼트의 ___________에 모두가 감탄했어요. ( *빠르다 fast )
Having a lot of work cannot be an excuse for mistake.
업무가 ___________은 실수의 이유가 될 수 없어요. ( *많다 a lot )
I just can't get used to waiting.
___________은 도저히 익숙해지지가 않아요. ( *기다리다 to wait )
4. Vocabulary
서로 each / 다름 difference / 이해하다 to understand / 시간 time / 가지다 to have / 가을 autumn / 아침 morning / 선선하다 cool / 언제나 always / 새롭다 new / 할머니 grandmother / 늦다 last / 나이 age / 다시 again / 배우다 to learn / 길 street / 들어서다 to enter, get into / 소소한 small / 행복 happiness / 깃들다 to dwell in / 저 I / 의 of / 살다 to live / 감사하다 to thank / 바다 sea / 끝없이 endless / 넓다 wide / 다시 again / 한 번 once / 느끼다 to feel / 오늘 today / 날씨 weather / 맑다 clean / 매일 everyday / 아침 morning / 책 book / 읽다 to read / 큰 great / 기쁨 joy / 오후 p.m. / 수업 lesson / 있다 have / 잊다 to forget / 자신 oneself / 결백하다 innocent / 주장하다 to assert / 교수님 professor / 발표 presentation / 과제 assignment / 중요하다 important / 강조하다 to emphasize / 크리스마스 Christmas / 웃다 to laugh / 끊다 to stop / -지 않다 not / 결승전 final match / 탁월하다 excellent / 새로운 new / 만나다 to meet / 떠나다 to leave / 도 as well / 있다 there is / -기 마련이다 will - / 빠르다 fast / 모두 everyone / 감탄하다 to be amazed / 업무 work / 많다 a lot of / 실수 mistake / 이유 excuse / 되다 be / 기다리다 to wait / 도저히 emphasize the feeling how someone don't want to do something / 익숙하다 to get used to
5. Answer
결백함 / 중요함 / 웃음 / 탁월함 / 만남, 떠남 / 빠름 / 많음 / 기다림
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