
1. Explanation
: '-처럼' is a particle that expresses comparison or metaphor. It is used when something is similiar to or the same as another thing. It can be the behavior or state of something. It is attached after a noun. It always conjugates with '-처럼.' Let's look at the examples.
2. Examples
한국인처럼 유창하게 말하고 싶어요. (I want to speak fluently like a Korean.)
*한국인 Korean
1) A word 한국인 is a noun
2) It conjugates with '-처럼'
3) 한국인처럼
이 순간이 영화의 한 장면처럼 느껴져요. (I feel like this moment as a scene from a film.)
*장면 scene
1) A word 장면 is a noun
2) It conjugates with '-처럼'
3) 장면처럼
한숨도 못 잔 사람처럼 다크서클이 짙어요. (You have deep dark circles under your eyes, like someone who couldn't slept at all.)
*사람 person
1) A word 사람 is a noun
2) It conjugates with '-처럼'
3) 사람처럼
그는 모델처럼 걸어요. (He walks alike a model.)
*모델 medel
1) A word 모델 is a noun
2) It conjugates with '-처럼'
3) 모델처럼
생각처럼 쉽지 않네요. (It's not as easy as I thought.)
*생각 think
1) A word 생각 is a noun
2) It conjugates with '-처럼'
3) 생각처럼
어쩜 이렇게 천사처럼 마음씨가 고울까요? (How are you so kind like an angel?)
*천사 angel
1) A word 천사 is a noun
2) It conjugates with '-처럼'
3) 천사처럼
밥이 죽처럼 됐어요. (The rice has turned into porridge.)
*죽 porridge
1) A word 죽 is a noun
2) It conjugates with '-처럼'
3) 죽처럼
그는 아이처럼 해맑게 웃었어요. (He smiled brightly like a child.)
*아이 child
1) A word 아이 is a noun
2) It conjugates with '-처럼'
3) 아이처럼
3. Practice
Thanks to her cofidence, she looks like the main character in her own life.
그녀의 당당함 덕분에 그녀는 자신의 삶에 _______________ 보여요. ( *주인공 main character )
It's rare for both the book and movie to succeed like Harry Potter.
_______________ 책과 영화가 모두 성공하는 것은 드물어요. ( *해리포터 Harry Potter )
Although he hasn't started working for long, he is serious like a professional.
그는 일을 시작한 지 얼마 되지 않았지만 _______________ 진지해요. ( *전문가 professional )
It's definitely the weekend, but there's as much work as on a weekday.
분명히 주말인데 _______________ 일이 많아요. ( *평일 weekday )
The aquarium is decorated just like the ocean.
아쿠아리움은 정말 _______________ 꾸며 놓았어요. ( *바다 ocean )
I've visited many mountains, but none are as challenging as Jirisan mountain.
많은 산을 가 봤지만, _______________ 힘든 산은 없었어요. ( *지리산 Jirisan mountain )
Today is busy as well, but it's not as hectic as yesterday.
오늘도 바쁘긴 하지만 _______________ 정신없지는 않아요. ( *어제 yesterday )
One day, she appeared to me. Like the autumn rain signals the beginning of autumn.
어느 날 그녀가 나타났어요. 가을의 시작을 알리는 _______________. ( *가을비 autumn rain )
4. Vocabulary
한국인 Korean / 처럼 like, as / 유창하게 fluently / 말하다 to speak / -고 싶다 want to - / 이 this / 순간 moment / 영화 film / 한 a / 장면 scene / 느끼다 to feel / 숨 breath / 못 can't / 자다 to sleep / 다크서클 dark circle / 짙다 deep / 그 he / 모델 model / 걷다 to walk / 생각 think / 쉽다 easy / 않다 not / 어쩜 how / 이렇게 like / 천사 angel / 마음 heart / 곱다 kind / 밥 rice / 죽 porridge / 되다 to trun into / 아이 child / 해맑게 brightly / 웃다 to smile / 그녀 she / 의 's / 당당하다 confident / 덕분에 thanks to / 자신의 oneself / 삶 life / main character 주인공 / 해리포터 Harry Potter / 책 book / 영화 movie / 모두 all / 성공하다 to succeed / 드물다 rare / 일 work / 시작하다 to start / 얼마 not much / 되다 become / 않다 not / 전문가 professional / 진지하다 serious / 분명히 definitely / 주말 weekend / 평일 weekday / 일 work / 아쿠아리움 aquarium / 정말 really / 바다 ocean / 꾸미다 to decorate / 산 mountain / 가다 to go / 지리산 Jirisan mountain / 힘들다 challenge / 없다 there's no / 오늘 today / 바쁘다 busy / 하지만 but / 어제 yesterday / 정신없이 (바쁜) hectic / 어느 날 one day / 나타나다 to appear / 가을 autumn / 시작 beginning / 알리다 to signal / 가을비 autumn rain
5. Answer
주인공처럼 / 해리포터처럼 / 전문가처럼 / 평일처럼 / 바다처럼 / 지리산처럼 / 어제처럼 / 가을비처럼
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