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Korean Grammar

Korean grammar '-게(3)'

by jeongussaem 2024. 9. 26.
Korean grammar #79 '-게(3)'

1. Explanation

 : '-게(3)' is an ending particle that indicates a question about the listener's intention. So It is used when the speaker asks about listener's intention. It is attached after verbs. It always conjugates with '-게'. However since it used as a question, so you can add a question marker after '게'. Let's look at the examples.


2. Examples

 그렇게 많이 사서 뭐 하게? (You bought a lot. What are you going to do with it?)

 *하다 to do 

  1) A verb stem is '하-'

  2) It conjugates with '-게'

  3) Make it as a question

  4) Add question marker after '하게'

  5) 하게?


 삼겹살 먹었는데 볶음밥도 먹게? (You ate samgyeopsal, but are you going to have fried rice too?)

 *먹다 to eat

  1) A verb stem is '먹-'

  2) It conjugates with '-게'

  3) Make it as a question

  4) Add question marker after '먹게'

  5) 먹게?


 어제 그 영화를 봤는데, 같은 영화를 또 보게? (You watched that movie yesterday, however are you going to watch the same one again?)

 *보다 to watch 

  1) A verb stem is '보-'

  2) It conjugates with '-게'

  3) Make it as a question

  4) Add question marker after '보게'

  5) 보게?


 답장이 오지 않는데, 편지를 또 쓰게? (You haven't received a reply, but are you going to write a letter again?)

 *쓰다 to write

  1) A verb stem is '쓰-'

  2) It conjugates with '-게'

  3) Make it as a question

  4) Add question marker after '쓰게'

  5) 쓰게?


 아직 해가 지지도 않았는데 벌써 자게요? (It's not even sunset yet, however are you going to sleep already?)

 *자다 to sleep

  1) A verb stem is '자-'

  2) It conjugates with '-게'
  3) Make it as polite sentence

  4) Add honorific ending particle '-요.'

  5) Make it as a question

  6) Add question marker after '자게요.'

  7) 자게요?


 정말 그 많은 책을 다 버리게요? (Are you really going to throw out all those books?)

 *버리다 to throw out

  1) A verb stem is '버리-'

  2) It conjugates with '-게'
  3) Make it as polite sentence

  4) Add honorific ending particle '-요.'

  5) Make it as a question

  6) Add question marker after '버리게요.'

  7) 자게요?


 벌써 커피를 2잔 마셨는데 더 마시게요? (You already drank two cups of coffee, but are you going to drink more?)

 *마시다 to drink

  1) A verb stem is '마시-'

  2) It conjugates with '-게'

  3) Make it as polite sentence
  4) Add honorific ending particle '-요.'

  5) Make it as a question

  6) Add question marker after '마시게요.'

  7) 마시게요?


 한밤중에 어디를 가게요? (Where are you going in the middle of the night?)

 *가다 to go 

  1) A verb stem is '가-'

  2) It conjugates with '-게'

  3) Make it as polite sentence
  4) Add honorific ending particle '-요.'

  5) Make it as a question

  6) Add question marker after '가게요.'

  7) 가게요?

*Source : National Institute of Korean Language


3. Practice

 You haven't left yet? Then when will you come?

 아직 출발 안 했어요?그럼 언제 _____________? ( *오다 to come)


 You can't eat spicy food well. Are you going to eat 불닭볶음면 again?

 매운거 잘 못 먹잖아요. 불닭볶음면 또 _____________? ( *먹다 to eat )


 You said your legs hurt. But are you going to exercise?

 다리가 아프다면서요. 그런데 _____________? ( *운동하다 to exercise )


 You have so many summer clothes, are you going to buy more?

 여름 옷이 이렇게 많은데 더 _____________? ( *사다 to buy )


 The room is so messy. When are you going to clean it all?

 방이 너무 더러워요. 언제 다 _____________? ( *청소하다 to clean )


 Did you keep playing games? The exam is tomorrow right? When will you start studying?

 계속 게임했어요? 시험이 내일인데 언제 공부 _____________? ( *시작하다 to start )


 It's chilly outside. Are you going to wear like that?

 밖이 쌀쌀한데 그렇게만 _____________? ( *입다 to wear )


 Are you going to finish after just watching season 1 of Squid Game? Aren't you going to watch season 2?

 오징어게임 시즌 1만 보고 _____________? 시즌 2는 안봐요? ( *끝내다 to finish )



4. Vocabulary

 그렇게 that / 많이 a lot / 사다 to buy / 뭐 what / 하다 to do /  삼겹살 samgyeopsal / 먹다 to eat / 볶음밥 fried rice / 어제 yesterday / 영화 movie / 보다 watch / 같은 same / 또 again / 답장 reply / 오다 to come / 편지 letter / 쓰다 to write / 아직 yet / 해 sun / 지다 to set / 않다 not / 벌써 already / 자다 to sleep / 정말 really / 그 that / 책 book / 다 all / 버리다 to throw out / 커피 coffee / 두 잔 two cup of / 마시다 to drink / 더 more / 한밤중 in the middle of night / 어디 where / 가다 to go / 아직 yet / 출발하다 to leave / 안 not / 그럼 then / 언제 when / 맵다 spicy / 못 can't / 다리 leg / 아프다 to hurt / 그런데 but / 운동하다 to exercise / 여름 summer / 옷 cloth / 이렇게 so / 많다 many / 방 room / 너무 too / 더럽다 messy / 청소하다 to clean / 계속 -하다 keep -ing / 게임 game / 시험 exam / 내일 tomorrow / 공부 study / 시작하다 to start / 밖 outside / 쌀쌀하다 chilly / 입다 to wear / 오징어 Squid / 시즌 season / 보다 to watch / 끝내다 to finish


5. Answer

 오게요? / 먹게요? / 운동하게요? / 사게요? / 청소하게요? / 시작하게요? / 입게요? / 끝내게요?




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