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Korean Grammar

Korean grammar '-ㄴ/는다거나(1)'

by jeongussaem 2024. 8. 16.
Korean grammar #75 '-ㄴ/는다거나 (1)'

1. Explanation

 : '-ㄴ/는다거나' is a connecting ending particle that indicates the listing two or more facts. experience. It indicates that an action took place in the past. So, It is used with structure '-ㄴ다거나 -ㄴ다거나', '-는다거나 -는다거나' to list two or more facts. Also it can be used to list events that might happen or the context of propositions that existed acutually. It is attached after verbs, adjectives, '이다', '아니다'. But it conjugates different way.


  1) Verb

    '-ㄴ다거나' conjugates with vowel ending verbs or consonant 'ㄹ' ending verbs. 

    '-는다거나' conjugates with consonant ending verbs. Let's look at examples.

   2) Adjective

     Adjective stem conjugates with '-다거나'

    3) 이다, 아니다

      '-라거나' conjugates with vowel ending nouns. 

      '-이라거나' conjugates with consonanat ending nouns.


Let's look at the examples.


2. Examples

 심심할 때 책을 읽는다거나 영화를 본다거나 하면서 시간을 보내요. (When I'm bored, I spend time reading books or watching movies.)

 *읽다 to read

  1) A verb stem is '읽-'

  2) It ends with a consonant 'ㄺ'

  3) It conjugates with '-는다거나'

  4) 읽는다거나 

  *보다 to watch

  1) A verb stem is '보-'

  2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅗ'

  3) It conjugates with '-ㄴ다거나'

  4) 본다거나


 어디가 아프다거나 피곤하다거나 하면 무리하지 마세요. (If you're feeling sick or tired, don't push yourself too hard.)

 *아프다 sick

  1) An adjective stem is '아프-'

  2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅡ'

  3) It conjugates with '-다거나'

  4) 아프다거나

 *피곤하다 tired

  1) An adjective stem is '피곤하-'

  2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅏ'

  3) It conjugates with '-다거나'

  4) 피곤하다거나


 요즘 점심은 김밥을 먹는다거나 샐러드를 먹는다거나 하고 있어요. (These days I've been eating gimbap or salad for a lunch.)

 *먹다 to eat

  1) A verb stem is '먹-'

  2) It ends with a consonant 'ㄱ'

  3) It conjugates with '-는다거나' 

  4) 먹는다거나


 주말마다 교회를 간다거나 절을 간다거나 하는 분들은 존경스러워요. (I respect peopel who go to a church or a temple every weekend.)

 *다 to go

  1) A verb stem is '가-'

  2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅏ'

  3) It conjugates with '-ㄴ다거나'

  4) 간다거나


 처음 요리할 때 너무 짜다거나 싱겁다거나 하지 않게 조심해야 돼요. (When cooking for the first time, you need to be careful not to make it too salty or too bland.)

 *짜다 salty

  1) An adjective stem is '짜-'

  2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅏ'

  3) It conjugates with '-다거나'

  4) 짜다거나

 *싱겁다 bland

  1) An adjective stem is '싱겁-'

  2) It ends with a consonant 'ㅂ'

  3) It conjugates with '-다거나'

  4) 싱겁다거나


 날이 너무 추울 때는 장갑을 낀다거나 모자를 쓴다거나 하는 것이 좋아요. (When the weather is too cold, it would be better to wear gloves or a hat.)

 *끼다 to wear

  1) A verb stem is '끼-'

  2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅣ'

  3) It conjugates with '-ㄴ다거나'

  4) 낀다거나

 *쓰다 to wear

  1) A verb stem is '쓰-'

  2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅡ'

  3) It conjugates with '-ㄴ다거나'

  4) 쓴다거나


 외국어 공부할 때, 드라마를 본다거나 노래를 듣는다거나 하는 것이 도움이 돼요. (When studying a foreign language, watching dramas or listening to music is helpful.)

 *보다 to watch

  1) A verb stem is '보-'

  2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅓ'

  3) It conjugates with '-ㄴ다거나'

  4) 본다거나

 *듣다 to listen

  1) A verb stem is '듣-'

  2) It ends with a consonant 'ㄷ'

  3) It conjugates with '-는다거나'

  4) 듣는다거나


 처음 수영을 할 때 너무 겁먹는다거나 긴장하거나 하지 않게 마음을 편하게 가져야 돼요. (When swimming for the first time, you should try to stay calm and not get too scared or nervous.)

 *겁먹다 scared

  1) A verb stem is '겁먹-'

  2) It ends with a consonant 'ㄱ'

  3) It conjugates with '-는다거나'

  4) 겁먹는다거나

 *긴장하다 nervous

  1) A verb stem is '긴장하-'

  2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅏ'

  3)  it conjugates with '-ㄴ다거나'

  4) 긴장한다거나



3. Practice

 There is no news of hot weather or rain tomorrow.

 내일 _____________ 비가 ________________ 하는 소식은 없어요. ( 덥다 hot / (비가) 내리다 to rain )


 If the chicken yo ordered yesterday tastes weird or smells bad, you should not eat it and throw it away.

 어제 주문한 치킨의 맛이 ______________________________ 하면 먹지 말고 버려야 돼요. ( 이상하다 weird / 냄새나다 smell bad )


 For health, I exercise often or take nutritional supplements.

 건강을 위해서 자주 _______________ 영양제를 _______________ 하고 있어요. ( 운동하다 to exercise / 섭취하다 to take )


 To refresh yourself, it can be helpful to go a hair salon or a nail shop.

 기분 전환을 위해서 미용실을 _______________ 네일숍을 _______________ 하는 것은 도움이 돼요. ( 가다 to go )


 Eating too much or eating late at night is not good for your health.

 밥을 너무 많이 ________________ 늦은 시간에 ______________ 하는 것은 건강에 안 좋아요. ( 먹다 to eat )


 Making noise late at night or making footsteps in an apartment is very rude.

 아파트에서 밤늦게 _______________ 발소리를 _______________ 하면 큰 실례예요. ( 떠들다 to make noise / (발소리를) 내다 - to make (footsteps) )


 It is polite to cover your mouth with your arm when sneezing or coughing.

_______________  _______________  할 때 입을 팔로 가리는 게 예의예요. ( 재채기하다 to sneeze / 기침하다 to cough )


 When you're going to be late to plan or unabel to go, it's better to let them know in advance.

 약속에 _______________  할 때는 미리 말해주는 게 좋아요. ( 늦다 late )


4. Vocabulary

 심심하다 bored / 책 book / 읽다 to read / 영화 movie / 보다 to watch / 시간을 보내다 to spend / 어디 somewhere / 아프다 sick / 피곤하다 tired / 무리하다 push oneself too hard / -마세요 don't / 요즘 these days / 점심 lunch / 김밥 gimbap / 먹다 to eat / 샐러드 salad / 주말 weekend / 마다 every, each / 교회 church / 절 temple / 가다 to go / 존경하다 to respect / 처음 for the first time / 요리하다 to cook / 너무 too / 짜다 salty / 싱겁다 bland / 조심하다 to be careful / 날 weather / 춥다 cold / 장갑 gloves / 끼다 to wear (gloves) / 모자 hat / 쓰다 to wear (a hat) / 도움 help / -이 되다 become / 외국어 foreign language / 공부하다 to study / 노래 song / 듣다 to listen / 좋다 good / 수영하다 to swim / 겁먹다 scared / 긴장하다 nervous / 마음 mind / 편하게 comfortably / 가지다 to have / 내일 tomorrow / 덥다 hot / 비가 내리다 to rain / 소식 new / 없다 there is no / 주문하다 to order / 치킨 chicken / 맛 taste / 변하다 to change / 냄새가 나다 to smell / 버리다 to throw away / 건강 health / 위해서 to / 매일 everyday / 운동하다 to exercise / 영양제 nutrutional supplements / 섭취하다 to take / 기분 전환 refresh / 미용실 hair salon / 네일숍 nail shop / 밥 meal / 늦은 late / 시간 time / 아파트 apartment / 밤 night / 떠들다 to make noise / 발소리 footstep / 내다 to make sound / 실례 rude / 재채기하다 to sneeze / 기침하다 to cough / 입 mouth / 팔 arm / 가리다 to cover / 약속 plan / 늦다 late / 미리 in advance / 말하다 to tell 


5. Answer

  덥다거나, 내린다거나 / 변했다거나, 냄새난다거나 / 운동한다거나, 섭취한다거나 / 간다거나, 간다거나 / 먹는다거나, 먹는다거나 / 떠든다거나, 낸다거나 / 재채기한다거나, 기침한다거나 / 늦는다거나


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