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Korean Grammar

Korean grammar '-ㄹ까/을까 보다.(1)'

by jeongussaem 2024. 7. 17.

Korean grammar #61 '-ㄹ까/을까 보다.(1)'

1. Explanation

 : '-ㄹ까/을까 보다.(1)' is an expression that indicates uncertain will or thought. Someone didn't definitely decide on certain actions yet. However, it indicates that the speaker considers doing those actions. These expressions are used to indicate a will that has a low level of certainty. It is attached after verbs. '-ㄹ까 보다.' conjugates with vowel ending verbs or consonant 'ㄹ' ending verbs. However '-을까 보다.' conjugates with consonant ending verbs. Let's look at examples.


 * Spoken language

   Polite - '보-' conjugates with '-아요.' => '보아요'

            => '보아' can be contracted to '봐' => 봐요. 


2. Examples

 배도 부르고, 저녁은 그냥 굶을까 봐요. (I'm full, so I think I just don't eat.)

 *굶다 to don't eat

  1) A verb stem is '굶-'

  2) It ends with a consonant 'ㄻ'

  3) It conjugates with '-을까 봐요.'

  4) 굶을까 봐요.


 날씨가 너무 더운데 친구랑 수영장을 갈까 봐요. (It's too hot, so I'm thinking about going to the swimming pool with my friend.)

 *가다 to go

  1) A verb stem is '가-'

  2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅏ'

  3) It conjugates with '-을까 봐요.'

  4) 갈까 봐요.


 월급 받았어요. 부모님 선물을 좀 살까 봐요. (I get paid. I'm thinking about buying gifts for my parents.)

 *사다 to buy

  1) A verb stem is a '사-'

  2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅏ'

  3) It conjugates with '-ㄹ까 봐요.'

  4) 살까 봐요.


 한강에서 가서 한 시간 정도 달릴까 봐요. (I'm thinking about going to the Hangang River and running for an hour.)

 *달리다 to run

  1) A verb stem is '달리-'

  2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅣ'

  3) It conjugates with '-ㄹ까 봐요.'

  4) 달릴까 봐요.


 졸리지만 책을 마저 다 읽을까 봐요. (I'm sleepy, but I guess I'll finish reading the book.)

 *읽다 to read

  1) A verb stem is '읽-'

  2) It ends with a consonant 'ㄺ'

  3) It conjugates with '-을까 봐요.'

  4) 읽을까 봐요.

 바쁘지만 건강을 위해 요가를 배울까 봐요. (I'm busy, but I think I'll learn youga for my health.)

 *배우다 to learn

  1) A verb stem is '배우-'

  2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅜ' 

  3) It conjugates with '-ㄹ까 봐요.'

  4) 배울까 봐요.


 출출한데 라면이나 먹을까 봐요. (I'm a bit hungry, so I think I'll have some ramyeon.)

 *먹다 to eat

  1) A verb stem is '먹-'

  2) It ends with a consonant 'ㄱ'

  3) It conjugates with '-을까 봐요.'

  4) 먹을까 봐요.


 덥지만 그냥 참을까 봐요. (It's how, but I'm thinking about just endure it.)

 *참다 to endure

  1) A verb stem is '참-'

  2) It ends with a consonant 'ㅁ' 

  3) It conjugates with '-을까 봐요.'

  4) 참을까 봐요.



3. Practice

 We made mistakes each other, but I think I'll apologize first.

 서로 잘못했지만, 제가 먼저 _________________. ( *사과하다 to apologize )


 Instead of travelling abroad, I'm thinking about going on a trip to Jeju Island.

 해외여행 대신에 제주도를  _________________. ( *여행하다 to go on a trip )


 Because it's summer, I think I'll cut my hair short.

 여름이니까 머리를 짧게 _________________. ( *자르다 to cut )


 He didn't contact me, I'm thinking about calling him first.

 그가 연락이 없는데 먼저 _________________. ( *전화를 걸다 to call )


 The razor is damaged, so I think I'll return it.

 면도기에 파손이 있어서  _________________. ( *반품하다 to return )


 Something urgent has come up for tomorrow, so I think I'll cancel the restaurant reservation.

 내일 급한 일이 생겨서 식당 예약을 _________________. ( *취소하다 to cancel )


 I'm thinking about watching a Kroean movie without subtitles.

 자막 없이 한국 영화를 _________________. ( *보다 to watch )


 I'm thinking about making a plan with my friend on weekend.

 이번 주말에 친구들과 _________________. ( *약속을 잡다 to make a plan )


4. Vocabulary

 배가 부르다 be full of / 저녁 dinner / 그냥 just / 굶다 to do not eat / 날씨 weather / 너무 too / 덥다 hot / 친구 friend / 랑 with / 수영장 swimming pool / 가다 to go / 월급 Paycheck / 받다 to get / 부모님 Parents / 선물 gift / 좀 make request more polite / 사다 to buy / 한 시간 an hour / 정도 about / 달리다 to run / 졸리다 sleepy / 책 book / 다 all / 읽다 to read / 마저 다 읽다 to finish reading / 바쁘다 busy / 건강 health / 요가 yoga / 배우다 to learn / 출출하다 hungry / 라면 ramyeon / 먹다 to eat / 참다 to endure / 서로 each other / 잘못하다 to make mistake / 먼저 first / 사과하다 to apologize / 해외여행 travelling abroad / 대신에 instead of / 여행하다 to go on a trip / 여름 summer / 머리 hair / 짧게 short / 자르다 to cut / 그 he / 연락 contact / 없다 there is no / 전화를 걸다 to call / 면도기 razor / 파손 damage / 반품하다 to return / 내일 tomorrow / 급한 urgent / 일 event, something / 생기다 come up / 식당 restaurant / 예약 reservation / 취소하다 to cancel / 자막 subtitles / 없이 without / 영화 movie / 보다 to watch / 이번 this / 주말 weekend / 친구 friend / 약속을 잡다 to make a plan 


5. Answer

  사과할까 봐요. / 여행할까 봐요. / 자를까 봐요. / 걸까 봐요. / 반품할까 봐요. / 취소할까 봐요. / 볼까 봐요. / 잡을까 봐요.


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