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Korean Grammar

Korean grammar '-고 있다.'

by jeongussaem 2024. 5. 27.

1. Explanation

 : '-고 있다.' is used to make the 'Present progressive tense' in Korean. And It conjugates with a verb stem. So you can translate this as 'be -ing.' Also '-고 있다.' is infinitive form, so you can use this as '-고 있어.', '-고 있어요.' as well. Furthermore, you can make form of 'Past progressive tense' by using '-고 있었다.', '-고 있었어요.', which means 'was/were -ing.'


2. Examples

 2-1 Present progressive tense

 도서관에서 책을 빌리고 있어요. (I'm borrowing a book at the library.)

 *빌리다 to borrow 

  1) A verb stem is '빌리-'

  2) It conjugates with '-고 있어요.'

  3) 빌리고 있어요.


 친구의 컴퓨터를 고치고 있어요. ( I'm fixing my friend's computer.

 *고치다 to fix 

  1) A verb stem is '고치-'

  2) It conjugates with '-고 있어요.'

  3) 고치고 있어요.


 지금 남자 친구를 만나고 있어요. (Now, I'm meeting my boyfriend.)

 *만나다 to meet 

  1) A verb stem is '만나-'

  2) It conjugates with '-고 있어요.'

  3) 만나고 있어요. 


편지를 쓰고 있어요. (I'm writing a letter.)

 *쓰다 to write

  1) A verb stem is '쓰-'

  2) It conjugates with '-고 있어요.'

  3) 쓰고 있어요.


 BTS 노래를 듣고 있어요. (I'm listening to the song of BTS.)

 *듣다 to listen 

  1) A verb stem is '듣-'

  2) It conjugates with '-고 있어요.'

  3) 듣고 있어요. 


 2-2 Past progressive tense

 친구랑 이야기하고 있었어요. (I was talking with a friend.)

 *이야기하다 to talk 

  1) A verb stem is '이야기하-'

  2) It conjugates with '-고 있었어요.'

  3) 이야기하고 있었어요.


 저는 드라마를 보고 있었어요. (I was watching a drama.)

 *보다 to watch

  1) A verb stem '보-'

  2) It conjugates with '-고 있었어요.'

  3) 보고 있었어요. 


 주말에 집을 청소하고 있었어요. (I was cleaning my house on the weekend.)  

 *청소하다 to clean

  1) A verb stem is '청소하-'

  2) It conjugates with '-고 있었어요.'

  3) 청소하고 있었어요. 


 아기를 돌보고 있었어요. (I was taking care of the baby.

 *돌보다 to take care of

  1) A verb stem is '돌보-'

  2) It conjugates with '-고 있었어요.'

  3) 돌보고 있었어요.


 점심을 먹고 있었어요. (I was having lunch.)

 *먹다 to have, eat

  1) A verb stem '먹-'

  2) It conjugates with '-고 있었어요.'

  3) 먹고 있었어요. 



3. Practice

 I was buying an ingredient of food.

 요리 재료를 _______________. ( *사다 to buy )


 I'm reading the Harry Potter.

 해리포터를 _______________. ( *읽다 to read )


 I was eating cold noodles yesterday.

 어제 냉면을 _______________. ( *먹다 to eat )


 I was looking for the meaning of the word.

 단어의 뜻을 _______________. ( *찾다 to look for )


 My grandmother is living near my house.

 할머니는 저의 집 근처에 _______________. ( *살다 to live )


 I'm writting a new book.

 새로운 책을 _______________. ( *쓰다 to write )


 It was raining.

 비가 _______________. ( *내리다 to rain )


 I waspreparing to Korean language exam.

 한국어 시험을 _______________. ( *준비하다 to ready )



4. Vocabulary

 도서관 library / 책 book / 빌리다 to borrow / 에서 particle(place) / 친구 friend / 의 's / 컴퓨터 computer / 를 object marker / 고치다 to fix / 지금 now / 남자 친구 boyfriend / 만나다 to meet / 편지 letter / 쓰다 to write / 노래 song / 듣다 to listen / 이야기하다 to talk / 랑 with / 드라마 drama / 보다 to watch / 주말 weekend / 집 house / 청소하다 to clean / 아기 baby / 돌보다 to take care of / 점심 lunch / 먹다 to eat, have / 요리 food, cooking / 재료 ingredient / 사다 to buy / 읽다 to read / 어제 yesterday / 냉면 cold noodles / 단어 word / 뜻 meaning / 찾다 to look for / 할머니 grandmother / 근처 near / 새로운 new / 비 rain / 내리다 to fall / 한국어 Korean / 시험 exam / 준비하다 to prepare


5. Answer

 사고 있어요. / 읽고 있어요. / 먹고 있었어요. / 찾고 있었어요. / 살고 있었어요. / 쓰고 있었어요. / 내리고 있었어요. / 준비하고 있었어요. 



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