1. Explanation
: '-ㄹ 때/을 때' indicates specific time of something is happended. Or it indicates the different events are continued in order. It attached after the verb stem or the adjective stem. And you can translate it as 'when -'. '-ㄹ 때' conjugates with vowel ending verbs and consonant 'ㄹ' ending verbs. However '-을 때' conjugates with consonant ending verbs. On the other hand, when referring to specific events like 'birthday, vacation, holiday etc', simply add '때' after event.
2. Examples
공부할 때 음악을 들어요. (When I study, I listen to music.)
*공부하다 to study
1) A verb stem is '공부하-'
2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅏ'
3) It conjugates with '-ㄹ 때'
4) 공부할 때
아플 때 약을 먹어요. (When I'm sick, I take a medicine.)
*아프다 sick
1) An adjective stem is '아프-'
2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅡ'
3) It conjugates with '-ㄹ 때'
4) 아플 때
피곤할 때 집에서 쉬어요. (When I'm tire, I relax at home.)
*피곤하다 tired
1) An adjective stem is '피곤하-'
2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅏ'
3) It conjugates with '-ㄹ 때'
4) 피곤할 때
학교에 갈 때 지하철을 타요. (When I go to school, I take the subway.)
*가다 to go
1) A verb stem is '가-'
2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅏ'
3) It conjugates with '-ㄹ 때'
4) 갈 때
심심할 때 책을 읽어요. (When I'm bored, I read a book.)
*심심하다 bored
1) An adjective stem is '심심하-'
2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅏ'
3) It conjugates with '-ㄹ 때'
4) 심심할 때
스트레스를 받을 때, 매운 음식을 먹어요. (When I get stressed, I eat spicy food.)
*받다 to get
1) A verb stem is '받-'
2) It ends with a consonant 'ㄷ'
3) It conjugates with '-을 때'
4) 받을 때
김밥을 먹을 때 김치도 먹어요. (When I eat 김밥, I also eat 김치.)
*먹다 to eat
1) A verb stem is '먹-'
2) It ends with a consonant 'ㄱ'
3) It conjugates with '-을 때'
4) 먹을 때
택시를 잡을 때 카카오택시 앱을 사용해요. (When I take a taxi, I use the KakaoTaxi app.)
*잡다 to get
1) A verb stem is '잡-'
2) It ends with a consonant 'ㅂ'
3) It conjugates with '-을 때'
4) 잡을 때
기분이 좋을 때 콧노래를 불러요. (When I'm feeling good, I hum.)
*좋다 feeling good
1) A adjective stem is '좋-'
2) It ends with a consonant 'ㅎ'
3) It conjugates with '-을 때'
4) 좋을 때
시간이 있을 때 영화를 봐요. (When I have time, I watch a movie.)
*있다 to have
1) A verb stem is '있-'
2) It ends with a consonant 'ㅆ'
3) It conjugates with '-을 때'
4) 있을 때
3. Practice
When I want to see my friend, I call my friend.
친구가 _______________ 친구에게 전화를 해요. ( *보고 싶다 to want to see )
When I'm sleepy, I wash my face.
잠이 _______________ 세수를 해요. ( *오다 to come )
When I run, I listen to music.
_______________ 음악을 들어요. ( *달리다 to run )
When it's holiday, I go on a trip to Korea.
휴가 _______________ 한국으로 여행을 가요. ( *휴가 vacation )
When I cook, I refer to a recipe.
요리를 _______________ 레시피를 참고해요. ( *요리를 하다 to cook )
When I look for a restaurant, I use Google maps.
식당을 _______________ 구글맵을 이용해요. ( *찾다 to look for )
When I drink coffee, I eat cake.
커피를 _______________ 케이크를 먹어요. ( *먹다 to eat )
When I'm angry, I breathe slowly.
화가 _______________ 천천히 숨을 쉬어요. ( *화가 나다 angry )
4. Vocabulary
공부하다 to study / 음악 music / 듣다 to listen / 몸이 아프다 to be sick / 약 medicine / 먹다 to eat, to take / 피곤하다 tired / 집 home / 에서 particle(place) / 쉬다 relax oneself / 학교 school / 가다 to go / 지하철 subway / 타다 to take / 심심하다 bored / 책 book / 읽다 to read / 스트레스 stress / 받다 to get / 매운 spicy / 음식 food / 도 also / 택시 taxi / 잡다 to get, grab / 앱 app / 사용하다 to use / 기분 feeling / 좋다 good / 콧노래를 부르다 to hum / 시간 time / 있다 have, has / 영화 movie / 보다 to watch / 친구 friend / 보고 싶다 to want to see / 에게 particle(target of verb) / 전화하다 to call / 잠이 오다 sleepy / 세수하다 to wash one's face / 달리다 to run / 휴가 holiday / 여행을 가다 to go on a vacation / 요리를 하다 to cook / 레시피 recipe / 참고하다 to refer / 식당 restaurant / 찾다 to look for / 구글맵 Google Maps / 커피 coffee / 마시다 to drink / 케이크 cake / 화가 나다 be angry / 천천히 slowly / 숨을 쉬다 to breathe
5. Answer
보고 싶을 때 / 올 때 / 달릴 때 / 때 / 요리할 때 / 찾을 때 / 먹을 때 / 날 때
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