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Korean Grammar

Korean grammar '-ㄴ 후에/은 후에'

by jeongussaem 2024. 5. 29.

1. Explanation

 : '-ㄴ 후에/은 후에' indicates that one event occurs after another. So the preceding cluase is related to following cluase chronologically. And you can translate it as 'after -'. '-ㄴ 후에' conjugates with vowel ending verbs or consonant 'ㄹ' ending verbs. However '-은 후에' conjugates with consonant ending verbs. However, when you use specific words which including meaning of actions like 'exam, excercising, studying, eating, resting etc', it would be enough to add '-후에' after words.


2. Examples

 차를 한 잔 마신 후에 케이크를 한 조각 먹어요. (After I drink a cup of tea, I eat a slice of cake.)

 *마시다 to drink

  1) A verb stem is '마시-'

  2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅣ'

  3) It conjugates with '-ㄴ 후에'

  4) 마신 후에 


 킹덤 시즌 1을 본 후에 킹덤 시즌 2를 봐요. (After I watch kingdom season 1, I watch Kingdom season 2.)

 *보다 to watch

  1) A verb stem is '보-'

  2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅗ'

  3) It conjugates with '-ㄴ 후에'

  4) 본 후에 


 창고를 만든 후 옷을 보관해요. (After I make warehouse, I store clothes.)

 *만들다 to make

  1) A verb stem is '만들-'

  2) It ends with a consonant 'ㄹ'

  3) A consonant 'ㄹ' is dropped '만드-'

  4) It conjugates with '-ㄴ 후에'

  5) 만든 후에


 지하철을 탄 후에 핸드폰으로 유튜브를 봤어요. (After I take a subway, I watch Youtube by phone.)

 *타다 to take 

  1) A verb stem is '타-'

  2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅏ'

  3) It conjugates with '-ㄴ 후에'

  4) 탄 후에


 에세이를 읽은 후에 인스타그램에 글을 써요. (After I read an essay, I write on Instagram.)

 *읽다 to read

  1) A verb stem is '읽-'

  2) It ends with a consonant 'ㄺ'

  3) It conjugates with '-은 후에'

  4) 읽은 후에


 우선 자리에 앉은 후에 주문을 해요. ( After I sit down, I order foods.)

 *앉다 to sit 

  1) A verb stem is '앉-'

  2) It ends with a consonant 'ㄵ'

  3) It conjugates with '-은 후에'

  4) 앉은 후에


 저녁을 먹은 후에 공원을 걸어요. (After I have a dinner, I walk in the park.)

 *먹다 to eat 

  1) A verb stem is '먹-'

  2) It ends with a consonant 'ㄱ'

  3) It conjugates with '-은 후에'

  4) 먹은 후에


 창문을 닫은 후에 에어컨을 틀어요. (After I close the window, I turn on the air conditioner.)

 *닫다 to close

  1) A verb stem is '닫-'

  2) It ends with a consonant 'ㄷ'

  3) It conjugates with '-은 후에'

  4) 닫은 후에


 택배를 받은 후에 상태를 확인해요. (After I receive a parcel, I check the condition of stuff.)

 *받다 to receive

  1) A verb stem is '받-'

  2) It ends with a consonant 'ㄷ'

  3) It conjugates with '-은 후에'

  4) 받은 후에



3. Practice

 After I come back home, I wash my hands.

 집에 _______________ 손을 씻어요. ( *돌아오다 to come back )


 After I do my homework, I eat 라면.

 숙제를 _______________ 라면을 먹어요. ( *숙제를 하다 to do one's homework )


 After I learn Korean, I talk with a Korean.

 한국어를 _______________ 한국인과 대화해요. ( *배우다 to learn )


 After I wear the tracksuit, I start running.

 트레이닝복을 _______________ 달리기를 시작해요. ( *입다 to wear )


 After having a meal, I eat dessert.

 식사 _______________ 디저트를 먹어요. ( *식사 = word including meaning of action )


 After I meet my friend, we choose the restaurant together.

 친구와 _______________ 같이 식당을 선택해요. ( *만나다 to meet )


 After dry my hair, I apply hair essence.

 머리를 _______________ 에센스를 발라요. ( *말리다 to dry )


 After I look for short cut, I share it with my  friend.

 지름길을 _______________ 친구와 공유해요. ( *찾다 to look for )


4. Vocabulary

 차 tea / 한 잔 a cup of / 마시다 to drink / 케이크 cake / 한 조각 a slice of / 먹다 to eat / 보다 to watch / 시즌 season(of series) / 창고 warehouse / 만들다 to make / 옷 clothes / 보관하다 to store / 먼저 in advance / 생각하다 to think / 결정하다 to decide / 지하철 subway / 타다 to take / 핸드폰 phone / 유튜브 Youtube / 에세이 essay / 일다 to read / 인스타그램 Instagram / 글을 쓰다 to write / 우선 at first / 자리에 앉다 sit down (oneself) / 음식 food / 주문하다 to order / 저녁 dinner / 공원 park / 걷다 to walk / 창문 window / 닫다 to close / 에어컨 air conditioner / 틀다 to turn on / 택배 parcel / 받다 to receive / 상태 condition / 확인하다 to check / 집 home / 돌아오다 to come back / 손 hands / 씻다 to wash / 숙제 homework / 숙제를 하다 to do homework / 라면 ramyeon / 한국어 Korean / 배우다 to learn / 한국인 Koreans / 대화하다 to talk / 트레이닝복 tracksuit / 입다 to wear / 달리기 running / 시작하다 to start / 식사 meal / 디저트 dessert / 친구 friend / 와 with / 만나다 to meet / 같이 together / 식당 restaurant / 선택하다 to choose / 머리 hair / 말리다 to dry / 에센스 essence / 바르다 to apply / 지름길 short cut / 찾다 look for / 공유하다 to share


5. Answer

  돌아온 후에 / 한 후에 / 배운 후에 / 입은 후에 / 후에 / 만난 후에 / 말린 후에 / 찾은 후에


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