1. Explanation
: '-에/에서' are particles that indicate place or location. These are attached after a noun. However '-에' and '-에서' have different usages. First, '-에' indicates a place related existance or movement. Second, '-에서' indicates a place where actions happen. And then you can think of '-에' as focusing on 'state, existence', while '-에서' focuses on 'action'. So, let's look at example together.
* 1) Particle '-에' is used with indicating time as well.
2) Movement meaning verbs like '가다( to go ), 오다( to come ), 다니다( to go - regularly ) etc' conjugate with '-에'
2. Examples
가족과 해변에 가요. (I go to the beach with my family.)
*해변 beach
1) A word 해변 is a noun
2) It indicates a place
3) A verb 가다 means 'to go'
4) It is one of the '가다, 오다, 다니다'
5) '-에'
6) 해변에
할머니가 한국에 와요. (Grandma comes to Korea.)
*한국 Korea
1) A word 한국 is a noun
2) It indicates a place
3) A verb 오다 means 'to come'
4) It is one of the '가다, 오다, 다니다'
5) '-에'
6) 한국에
누나가 제약 회사에 다녀요. (My older sister works at a pharmaceutical company.)
*제약 회사 pharmaceutical company
1) A word 제약회사 is a noun
2) It indicates a place
3) A verb 다니다 means 'to work'
4) It is one of the '가다, 오다, 다니다'
5) '-에'
6) 제약 회사에
책은 책상 위에 있어요. (The book is on the desk.)
*위 on
1) A word 위 is a noun
2) It indicates a location
3) A verb 있다 means 'there is'
4) It is related to meaning of 'existence'
5) '-에'
6) 위에
KARD의 사진은 방에 있어요. (KARD's photos are in the room.)
*방 room
1) A word 방 is a noun
2) It indicates a place
3) A verb 있다 means 'there is'
4) It is related to meaning 'existence'
5) '-에'
6) 방에
가방 안에 우산이 없어요. (There is no umbrella in the bag.)
*안 in
1) A word 안 is a noun
2) It indiciates a location
3) A verb 없다 means 'there is no'
4) It is related to meaning of 'existence'
5) '-에'
6) 안에
마우스는 키보드 옆에 있어요. (The mouse is next to the keyboard.)
*옆 next to
1) A word 옆 is a noun
2) It indicates a location
3) A verb 있다 means 'there is'
4) It is related to meaning of 'existence'
5) '-에'
6) 옆에
학교 앞에 아무것도 없어요. (There is nothing in front of the school.)
*앞 in front of
1) A word 앞 is a noun
2) It indicates a location
3) A verb 없다 means 'there is no'
4) It is related to meaning of 'existence'
5) '-에'
6) 앞에
남동생이 학교에서 공부해요. (My younger brother studies at school.)
*학교 school
1) A word 학교 is a noun
2) It indicates a place
3) A verb 공부하다 means 'to study'
4) It is related to meaning of 'action'
5) '-에서'
6) 학교에서
BLACKPINK가 영국에서 공연해요. (BLACKPINK performs in the UK.)
*영국 UK
1) A word 영국 is a noun
2) It indicates a place
3) A verb 공연하다 means 'to perform'
4) It is related to meaning of 'action'
5) '-에서'
6) 영국에서
지민이 군대에서 복무해요. (Jimin serves in the military.)
*군대 military
1) A word 군대 is a noun
2) It indicates a place
3) A verb 복무하다 means 'to serve'
4) It is related to meaning of 'action'
5) '-에서'
6) 군대에서
언니는 방에서 화장해요. (My older sister does her make-up in the room.)
*방 room
1) A word 방 is a noun
2) It indicates a place
3) A verb 화장하다 means 'to do make-up'
4) It is related to meaning of 'action'
5) '-에서'
6) 방에서
아빠가 학교 앞에서 기다려요. (Dad waits in front of the school.)
*앞 in front of
1) A word 앞 is a noun
2) It indicates a location
3) A verb 기다리다 means 'to wait'
4) It is related to meaning 'action'
5) '-에서'
6) 앞에서
3. Practice
The festival is taking place in Spain.
스페인(에/에서) 축제가 열려요. ( *스페인 Spain )
I'm going to Malaysia.
말레이시아(에/에서) 가요. ( *말레이시아 Malaysia )
Dad is in the kitchen.
아빠가 부엌(에/에서) 있어요. ( *부엌 kitchen )
Dad and I cook in the kitchen.
아빠와 부엌(에/에서) 요리해요. ( *부엌 kitchen )
BTS is performing in Indonesia.
BTS가 인도네시아(에/에서) 공연해요. ( *인도네시아 Indonesia )
BTS is in Indonesia.
BTS가 인도네시아(에/에서) 있어요. ( *인도네시아 Indonesia )
I spend time with my family on weekends.
가족과 주말(에/에서) 시간을 보내요. ( *주말 weekend )
I buy books at the bookstore.
서점(에/에서) 책을 사요. ( *서점 bookstore )
4. Vocabulary
가족 family / 과 with / 해변 beach / 가요 go / 할머니 grandma / 한국 Korea / 오다 to come / 누나 older sister(male -> female) / 제약 회사 pharmaceutical company / 다니다 to go, to work / 책 book / 책상 desk / 위 on / 있다 there is / 의 's / 사진 photo / 방 room / 가방 bag / 안 in / 우산 umbrella / 없다 there is no / 마우스 mouse / 키보드 keyboard / 옆 next to / 학교 school / 앞 in front of / 아무것도 nothing / 남동생 younger brother / 공부하다 to study / 영국 UK / 공연하다 to perform / 군대 military / 복무하다 to serve / 화장하다 to do one's make-up / 아빠 dad / 기다리다 to wait / 스페인 Spain / 축제 festival / 말레이시아 Malaysia / 부엌 kitchen / 요리하다 to cook / 인도네시아 Indonesia / 주말 weekend / 시간 time / 보내요 to spend / 서점 bookstore / 책 book / 사요 to buy
5. Answer
스페인에서 / 말레이시아에 / 부엌에 / 부엌에서 / 인도네시아에서 / 인도네시아에 / 주말에 / 서점에서
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