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Korean Grammar

Korean grammar '-와/과/하고'

by jeongussaem 2024. 1. 6.


1. Explanation

 : '-와/과/하고' are used when listing nouns. So, it can be translated as 'and'. However, sometimes they can also be used to mean 'with'. Therefore, it is important to interpret them in the context of each sentence. '-하고' can be conjugated with any noun. While '-와' conjugates with vowel ending nouns. And '-과' conjugates with final consonant ending nouns. Let's look at example together.

 (I'm not providing an example of '-하고', because you can always change it from '-와/과' to '-하고'.)


Source : National Institute of Korean Language


2. Examples

 지우개 연필을 사요. (I buy an eraser and a pencil.)

 연필 지우개를 사요. (I buy a pencil and an eraser.)

 *지우개 eraser / 연필 pencil

 1) A word '지우개' is a noun   

 2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅐ'    

 3) It conjugates with '-와'   

 4) 지우개와            

 1-1) A word '연필' is a noun   

 2-1) It ends with a consonant 'ㄹ'    

 3-1) It conjugates with '-과'   

 4-1) 연필과


 사과 귤을 먹어요. (I eat apples and tangerines.)

  사과를 먹어요. (I eat tangerines and apples.)

 *사과 apple / 귤 tangerine

 1) A word '사과' is a noun

 2) It ends with a vowel '과'    

 3) It conjugates with '-와'   

 4) 사과와            

 1-1) A word '귤' is a noun   

 2-1) It ends with a consonant 'ㄹ'    

 3-1) It conjugates with '-과'   

 4-1) 귤과


 한국어 과학을 공부해요. (I study Korean and science.)

 과학 한국어를 공부해요. (I study science and Korean.)

 *한국어 Korean / 과학 science

  1) A word '한국어' is a noun   

  2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅓ'    

  3) It conjugates with '-와'   

  4) 한국어와

  1-1) A word '과학' is a noun   

  2-1) It ends with a consonant 'ㄱ'    

  3-1) It conjugates with '-과'   

  4-1) 과학과


 여동생이 아빠 요리해요. (My younger sister cooks with dad.)

 아빠가 여동생 요리해요. (My dad cooks with my younger sister.)

 *아빠 dad / 여동생 younger sister

  1) A word '아빠' is a noun   

  2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅏ' 

  3) It conjugates with '-와'   

  4) 아빠와

  1-1) A word '여동생' is a noun   

  2-1) It ends with a consonant 'ㅇ'    

  3-1) It conjugates with '-과'   

  4-1) 여동생과


 선생님이 친구 이야기해요. (The teacher talks with my friend.)

 친구가 선생님 이야기해요. (My friend talks with the teacher.)

 *친구 friend / 선생님 teacher

  1) A word '친구' is a noun   

  2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅜ'    

  3) It conjugates with '-와'   

  4) 친구와

  1-1) A word '선생님' is a noun   

  2-1) It ends with a consonant 'ㅁ'    

  3-1) It conjugates with '-과'   

  4-1) 선생님과


 형이 할머니 산책해요. (My older brother takes a walk with grandma.)

 할머니가 산책해요. (Grandma takes a walk with my older brother.)

 *할머니 grandmother / 형 older brother

  1) A word '할머니' is a noun   

  2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅣ'    

  3) It conjugates with '-와'   

  4) 친구와

  1-1) A word '형' is a noun   

  2-1) It ends with a consonant 'ㅇ'    

  3-1) It conjugates with '-과'   

  4-1) 형과


3. Practice

 I go to the BTS concert with my friend.

 친구(와/과) BTS 콘서트에 가요. ( *친구 friend )


 There are a dog and a cat.

 강아지(와/과) 고양이가 있어요. ( *강아지 dog )


 I like mathematics and music. 

 수학(와/과) 음악이 좋아요. ( *수학 mathematics )


 I eat cakes and bagels.

 케이크(와/과) 베이글을 먹어요. ( *케이크 cake )


 I like watermelon and mango.

 수박(와/과) 망고를 좋아해요. ( *수박 watermelon )


 I don't eat gimchi and shirmp.

 김치(와/과) 새우를 먹지 않아요. ( *김치 gimchi )


 I travel to Thailand and Indonesia.

 태국(와/과) 인도네시아를 여행해요. ( *태국 Thailand )


 I visit the museum with my family on weekend.

 주말에 가족(와/과) 박물관을 방문해요. ( *가족 family )


4. Vocabulary

 지우개 eraser / 연필 pencil / 사다 to buy / 사과 apple / 귤 tangerine / 한국어 Korean / 과학 science / 여동생 younger sister / 아빠 dad / 요리하다 to cook / 선생님 teacher / 친구 friend / 이야기하다 to talk / 형 older brother / 할머니 grandma / 산책하다 to take a walk / 콘서트 concert / 가다 to go / 강아지 dog / 고양이 cat / 있다 there is / 수학 mathematics / 음악 music / 이, 가 좋다 to like / 케이크 cake / 베이글 bagle / 먹다 to eat / 수박 watermelon / 망고 mango / 을, 를 좋아해요 to like / 김치 gimchi / 새우 shirimp / 먹다 to eat / 태국 Thailand / 인도네시아 Indonesia / 여행하다 to travel / 주말 weekend / 가족 family / 박물관 museum / 방문하다 to visit


5. Answer

  친구와 / 강아지와 / 수학과 / 케이크와 / 수박과 / 김치와 / 태국과 / 가족과



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