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Korean Grammar

Korean grammar '-의'

by jeongussaem 2024. 1. 7.

1. Explanation

 : '-의' is a particle indicating possession or belonging. It conjugates with nouns. So, it can be used in the form 'Noun A의 Noun B'. In this case, Noun B is possessed or belongs to Noun A. One more thing, '-의' can be pronounced in two different ways. The accurate pronunciation is [ ui ]. However, as I explained in this chapter, when '-의' is used to indicate possession or belonging. It can be pronounced as [ e ]. For example '그 의자'(=that chair) is pronounced as [ geu ui-ja ], however '그의 의자'(=his chair) is pronounced as [geu-e ui-ja ]. Like this, there are pronounciation changes to make it more comfortable. I'll explain them one by one whenever they come up. Let's look at example together.

 * Irregular changes '나/저/너' + '-의'

    나 + '-의' => 나의 (o) / 내 (ㅇ) = My(casual)

    저 + '-의' => 저의 (o) / 제 (ㅇ) = My(polite)

    너 + '-의' => 너의 (o) / 네 (ㅇ) = Your(casual)


2. Examples

 스트레이 키즈 신곡을 들어요. (I listen to Stray Kids's new song.)

 *스트레이 키즈 Stray Kids

  1) A word '스트레이 키즈' is a noun

  2) It conjugates with '-의'

  3) 스트레이 키즈의 


 블랙핑크 콘서트에 가요. (I'm going to BLACKPINK's concert.)


  1) A word '블랙핑크' is a noun

  2) It conjugates with '-의'

  3) 블랙핑크의 


 BTS 팬미팅에 참석해요. (I'm attending BTS's fan meeting.)

 *BTS 방탄소년단

  1) A word 'BTS' is a noun

  2) It conjugates with '-의'

  3) BTS의 


 내일은 엄마 생일이에요. (Tomorrow is my mom's birthday.)

 *엄마 mom

  1) A word 엄마 is a noun

  2) It conjugates with '-의'

  3) 엄마의 


 친구 책을 빌려요. (I borrow my friend's book.)

 *친구 friend

  1) A word 친구 is a noun

  2) It conjugates with '-의'

  3) 친구의


  강아지는 귀여워요. (My dog is cute.)

 *저 I

  1) A word 저 is a noun

  2) It conjugates with '-의'

  3) 저의 = 제


3. Practice

 My weekend is filled with happiness. 

 _________ 주말이 행복으로 가득해요. ( *나 I )


 What is your hobby?

 _________ 취미는 뭐야? ( *너 you )


 Winter mountains are beautiful.

 _________ 산이 아름다워요. ( *겨울 winter )


 I study language of other countries.

 다른 _________ 언어를 공부해요. ( *나라 country )


 I'm curious about the ending of the movie.

 _________ 결말이 궁금해요. ( *영화 movie  )


 I like the lyrics of 'The blue night of Jeju Island'.

 '_________ 푸른 밤' 가사가 좋아요. ( *제주도 Jeju Island )


 The teacher's bag is heavy.

 _________ 가방이 무거워요. ( *선생님 teacher )


 The last scene of the drama comes to mind.

 _________ 마지막 장면이 떠올라요. ( *드라마 drama )



4. Vocabulary

 신곡 new song / 콘서트 concert / 에 particle(place) / 가다 to go / 팬미팅 meet and greet / 참석하다 to attend / 내일 tomorrow / 엄마 mom / 생일 birthday / -이에요 be verb / 친구 friend / 책 book / 빌리다 to borrow / 저 I(polite) / 강아지 dog / 귀엽다 cute / 나 I(casual) / 주말 weekend / 행복 happiness / -으로 with / 가득하다 to be filled with, be full of / 너 you(casual) / 취미 hobby / 뭐야? What is -? / 겨울 winter / 산 mountain / 아름답다 beautiful / 다른 other / 공부하다 to study / 영화 movie / 결말 ending / 궁금하다 to be curious about / 푸른 blue / 밤 night / 가사 lylics / 좋다 like / 선생님 teacher / 가방 bag / 무겁다 heavy / 드라마 drama / 마지막 last / 장면 scene / 떠오르다 to come to mind


5. Answer

  나의=내 / 너의=네 / 겨울의 / 나라의 / 영화의 / 제주도의 / 선생님의 / 드라마의
