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에 grammar4

Korean grammar '-에 4' 1. Explanation : '-에 4' is a particle that indicates a standard unit when someone counts something or put a price on something. It is attached after nouns. It always conjugates with '-에'. Let's look at the examples. 2. Examples 포토카드를 한 장에 3만 원 주고 열 장 샀어요. (I gave 30,000won for a photo card and bought 10.) *장 counter for photo 1) A word 장 is a noun 2) It conjugates with '-에' 3) 3만원에  보통 한 달에 책을 4.. 2024. 10. 22.
Korean grammar '-에 3' 1. Explanation : '-에 3' is an particle that indicates a destination of action. It is attached after nouns. It always conjugates with '-에'. Let's look at the examples. 2. Examples 엄마랑 BTS 콘서트에 가요. (I'm going to the BTS concert with my mom.) *콘서트 concert  1) A word '콘서트' is a noun 2) It conjugates with '-에' 3) 콘서트에  저녁 먹고 공원에 산책하러 가요. (After having a dinner, I'm going for a walk in the park.) *공원 .. 2024. 10. 21.
Korean grammar '-에 2' 1. Explanation : '-에 2' is an particle that indicates a starting point of actions or states. It is attached after nouns. It always conjugates with '-에'. Let's look at the examples. 2. Examples 보통 점심시간에 낮잠을 자요. (Usually, I take a nap during lunch break.) *점심시간 lunch break 1) A word '점심시간' is a noun 2) It conjugates with '-에' 3) 점심시간에  오늘 아침에 샐러드를 먹었어요. (I ate salad this morning.) *아침 morning  1) .. 2024. 10. 18.
Korean grammar '-에/에서(1)' 1. Explanation : '-에/에서' are particles that indicate place or location. These are attached after a noun. However '-에' and '-에서' have different usages. First, '-에' indicates a place related existance or movement. Second, '-에서' indicates a place where actions happen. And then you can think of '-에' as focusing on 'state, existence', while '-에서' focuses on 'action'. So, let's look at example togethe.. 2024. 1. 9.