반응형 jeongussaem107 Korean grammar '못/-지 못하다.' 1. Explanation : '못/-지 못하다.' makes a negative sentence. You can add '못' in front of a verb. And there is a space between '못' and the verb. However, you can conjugate '-지 못하다' with a verb stem. Additionally, '못 하다' can be changed to '못 해요.' by using the ending particle '-해요.' One more thing, '못하다' can be used to the opposite meaning of '잘하다(= be good at)'. In that case, it would be better to tran.. 2024. 1. 17. Korean grammar '-ㄹ까요?/을까요?' 1. Explanation : '-ㄹ까요?/을까요?' is used to ask for someone's opinion. And this particle also includes meaning of suggestion. So you can translate it as 'shall we/I -'. It is attached after a verb stem, and you should choose between '-ㄹ까요?' and '-을까요?' depending on the verb stem's form. '-ㄹ까요?' conjugates with vowel ending verbs and consonant 'ㄹ' ending verbs. However '-을까요?' conjugates with conson.. 2024. 1. 16. Korean grammar '나/너/우리' 1. Explanation : '나/너/우리/그녀/그/그들' we call these as a '인칭대명사'. They can be translated as 'personal pronouns' in English. Today I'll introduce you to all of personal Korean pronouns. First, let's examine the personal pronouns. 1) 나 / 저 = I (casual / polite) 2) 너 = You 3) 우리 / 저희 = We (casual / polite) 4) 그녀 = She 5) 그 = He 6) 그들 / 그분들 = They (casual / polite) * You can make possesive p.. 2024. 1. 15. Korean grammar '-시-/-으시-' 1. Explanation : '-시-/-으시-' is one of Korean's honorific forms. It shows respect toward the subject of a sentence. Of course there are many kinds of honorific forms in Korean. However this is the most commonly used in all kind of service field. So, if you understand this well, it will be helpful to improve your comprehension of travel converstaion. Cause you can hear this at hotels, restaurants,.. 2024. 1. 14. Korean grammar '-세요/으세요.' 1. Explanation : '-세요/으세요.' is used to form request, instruction or question sentences. Generally, it's a very polite expression. However even if someone uses this ending particle, they may look anger or rude, it would be a more overbearing expression. So, when you listen these expressions in a K-drama, don't be confussed. While it is usually used politly, there are rare instances where it may b.. 2024. 1. 12. Korean grammar '-ㄹ/을 거예요.' 1. Explanation : '-ㄹ/을 거예요.' change the tense of a sentence to the future. These are used to indicate future events or plans and express wishes or posibilities. So, these particles conjugate with verbs or adjectives. '-ㄹ 거예요.' conjugates with vowel ending verbs or adjective and consonant 'ㄹ' ending verbs or adjectives. However '-을 거예요.' cojugates with consonant ending verbs or adjectives. Let's .. 2024. 1. 11. 이전 1 ··· 13 14 15 16 17 18 다음 반응형