1. Explanation
: '-나마/이나마' is a particle that indicates something is insufficient but can ba accepted with a sense of regret. Even though someone isn't satisfied with it, but they can accept it with sense of regret. It is attached after noun or adverb. '-나마' conjugates with vowel ending nouns. However '-이나마' conjugates with consonant ending nouns. Let's look at examples.
2. Examples
날씨도 더운데 에어컨은 없지만 선풍기나마 있어서 다행이에요. (The weather is hot and the air conditioner is broken, but what a relief. At least we have a fan.)
*선풍기 fan
1) A word '선풍기' is a noun
2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅣ'
3) It conjugates with '-나마'
4) 선풍기나마
결혼식에 늦었지만 늦게나마 도착할 수 있었어요. (I was late to the wedding. But I was able to arrive durring the wedding.)
*늦게 lately
1) A word '늦게' is an adverb
2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅔ'
3) It conjugates with '-나마'
4) 늦게나마
짧게나마 볼 수 있어서 좋았어요. (I was happy to see you for a short time.)
*짧게 short
1) A word '짧게' is an adverb
2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅔ'
3) It conjugates with '-나마'
4) 짧게나마
음식은 별로지만 날씨나마 좋아서 괜찮았어요. (The food wasn't good. But it was okay becuase the weather was nice.)
*날씨 weather
1) A word '날씨' is a noun
2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅣ'
3) It conjugates with '-나마'
4) 날씨나마
많지 않은 돈이나마 기부할 수 있었어요. (I was able to donate not much money.)
*돈 money
1) A word '돈' is a noun
2) It ends with a consonant 'ㄴ'
3) It conjugates with a '-이나마'
4) 돈이나마
스쿠버다이빙이 취소됐지만 잠이나마 푹 잘 수 있었어요. (Scuba diving was canceled. But I could get some good sleep.)
*잠 sleep
1) A word '잠' is a noun
2) It ends with consonant 'ㅁ'
3) It conjugates with '-이나마'
4) 잠이나마
반찬이 없었지만 밥이나마 많이 남아 있었어요. (There were no side dishes. But there was planty of rice left.)
*밥 rice
1) A word '밥' is a noun
2) It ends with consonant 'ㅂ'
3) It conjugates with '-이나마'
4) 밥이나마
영화를 못 보니까 책이나마 많이 읽을래요. (I couldn't watch movie, so I'll read a lot of books.)
*책 book
1) A word '책' is a noun
2) It ends with a consonant 'ㄱ'
3) It conjugates with '-이나마'
4) 책이나마
3. Practice
I messed up the exam yesterday, but I'll try to do well on the remaining subjects.
어제 시험을 망쳤는데 남은 과목 (나마/이나마) 잘 보려고 해요. ( 과목 subject )
It's rained. So it was cool for a while.
비가 와서 잠시 (나마/이나마) 시원했어요. ( 잠시 for a while )
I couldn't go to the concert. But I watched the performance through a video.
콘서트에 가지 못했지만 영상으로 (나마/이나마) 공연을 봤어요. ( 으로 by )
I hope it can be slightly helpful.
조금 (나마/이나마) 도움이 됐으면 합니다. ( 조금 slightly )
I didn't receive the item. But I'm glad to get a refund.
물건은 못 받았지만 환불 (나마/이나마) 받아서 다행이에요. ( 환불 refund )
I started the task I have been postponing over and over.
미루고 미뤘던 일을 미약하게 (나마/이나마) 시작했어요. ( 미약하게 tenuiously )
Coca-Cola was out of stock, but I was able to buy Pepsi.
코카콜라는 품절이지만 펩시 (나마/이나마) 살 수 있었어요. ( 펩시 Pepsi )
We can't meet often. But I'm happy to hear your voice over the phone.
자주 만나지는 못하지만 전화로 (나마/이나마) 목소리를 들어서 기뻐요. ( 로 by )
4. Vocabulary
날씨 weather / 덥다 hot / 에어컨 air conditioner / 없다 there is no / 선풍기 fan / 있다 there is / 다행이다 what a relief / 결혼식 wedding / 늦다 late / 도착하다 to arrive / 짧게 short / 보다 to see / 좋다 happy / 음식 food / 별로 not good / 좋다 fine / 괜찮다 okay / 많다 a lot / 돈 money / 기부하다 to donate / 취소되다 to be canceled / 잠 sleep / 푹 자다 to get some good sleep / 반찬 side dishes / 밥 rice / 남아있다 left / 영화 movie / 보다 to watch / 책 book / 읽다 to read / 어제 yesterday / 시험 exam / 망치다 to mess up / 남다 to remain / 잘 well / (시험을) 보다 to take an (exam) / 비가 오다 to rain / 잠시 for a while / 시원하다 cool / 콘서트 concert / 가다 to go / 영상 video / 공연 performance / 조금 slightly / 도움 help / 되다 to become / 물건 item / 받다 to receive, get / 환불 refund / 미루다 to postpone / 일 task / 미약하게 tenuiously / 시작하다 to start / 품절 out of stock / 사다 to buy / 자주 often / 만나다 to meet / 전화 phone / 목소리 voice / 듣다 to hear
5. Answer
과목이나마 / 잠시나마 / 영상으로나마 / 조금이나마 / 환불이나마 / 미약하게나마 / 펩시나마 / 전화로나마
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