1. Explanation
: '-ㄹ까/을까?(2)' is an ending particle of a question that indicates assumptions. It is used as asking a question of other people's thoughts or opinion with suggesting supposition. It is attached after verbs, adjectives and '-이다', '-아니다'. '-ㄹ까' conjugates with vowel ending verbs or consonant 'ㄹ' ending verbs. However '-을까' conjugates with consonant ending verbs.
This expression is used as a question, so you can add a question marker at the end of particle. Additionally, you can make it polite way by adding '-요-' right before the question marker, like '-ㄹ까요?/을까요?'. Let's look at examples.
2. Examples
언니가 입었던 옷인데 저한테 맞을까요? (It's the cloth that my older sister wore, does it fit me?)
*맞다( = to fit )
1) A verb stem is '맞-'
2) It ends with a consonant 'ㅈ'
3) It conjugates with '-을까요?'
4) 맞을까요?
일요일에 날씨가 좋을까요? (Is the weather fine on Sunday?)
*좋다 fine
1) An adjective stem is '좋-'
2) It ends with a consonant 'ㅎ'
3) It conjugates with '-을까요?'
4) 좋을까요?
장마가 길어지는데 언제쯤 끝날까요? (The monsoon is getting longer, when will it be end?)
*끝나다 to end
1) A verb stem is '끝나-'
2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅏ'
3) It conjugates with '-ㄹ까요?'
4) 끝날까요?
저분이 새로 온 한국어 선생님일까요? (Is that person the new Korean teacher?)
*이다 be verb
1) A verbs stem '이-'
2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅣ'
3) It conjugates with '-ㄹ까요?'
4) 선생님일까요?
성적 이의신청 하는 학생이 많을까? (Are many students objecting to their grades?)
*많다 many
1) An adjective stem '많-'
2) It ends with a consonant 'ㄶ'
3) It conjugates with '-을까?'
4) 많을까?
저 택배 상자 안에 무엇이 있을까? (What could be inside that package?)
*있다 there is, exist
1) A verb stem is '있다-'
2) It ends with a consonant 'ㅆ'
3) It conjugates with '-을까?'
4) 있을까?
소파를 바꾸면 훨씬 편할까? (If I change the sofa, will it be much more comfortable?)
*편하다 comfortable
1) An adjective stem '편하-'
2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅏ'
3) It conjugates with '-ㄹ까?'
4) 편할까?
유로 2024 우승한 스페인 사람들은 얼마나 행복할까? (I wonder how happy the Spanish people who won the Euro 2024?)
*행복하다 happy
1) A verb stem is '행복하-'
2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅏ'
3) It conjugates with '-ㄹ까'
4) 행복할까?
3. Practice
1) Polite
I mean not the movie, but the Harry Potter novels; would they be fun too?
해리포터 영화 말고 소설도 _________________ ? ( *재미있다 fun )
Because the event started early, will it end a little bit earlier?
행사가 일찍 시작했으니까, 조금 일찍 _________________ ? ( *종료되다 to end )
There are many customores waiting in front of the restaurant. Do you think the food will be delicous?
식당 앞에 손님이 많이 기다리네요. 음식이 _________________ ? ( *맛있다 delicious )
Is Jisu's older sister as pretty as Jisu?
지수처럼 지수 언니도 _________________ ? ( *예쁘다 pretty )
2) Casual
Will this content be on a test?
이 내용이 _________________ ? ( *시험에 나오다 to be on a test )
The plane was delayed once, will the next flight take off on time?
비행기가 한 번 연착됐는데, 다음 비행기는 제시간에 _________________ ? ( *이륙하다 to take off )
After a long time, I'm going to meet Jimin. Will it be awkward?
오랜만에 지민이를 만나는데, _________________ ? ( *어색하다 awkward )
It's really hot today. If I eat patbingsu, will it be cool me down a little bit?
오늘 진짜 덥다. 팥빙수를 먹으면 조금 _________________ ? ( *시원하다 cool )
4. Vocabulary
언니 older sister(female->female) / 입다 to wear / 옷 cloth / 맞다 to fit / 일요일 Sunday / 날씨 weather / 좋다 fine / 장마 monsoon / 길어지다 to get longer / 언제 when / 끝나다 to end / 저 that / 분 honorific word of person / 새로 new / 오다 to come / 한국어 Korean / 선생님 teacher / 성적 grade / 이의신청 to object / 학생 student / 많다 a lot of / 택배 package / 상자 box / 안에 inside / 무엇 what / 있다 there is, exist / 소파 sofa / 바꾸다 to change / 훨씬 much / 편하다 comfortable / 우승하다 to win / 스페인 사람 Spanish / 얼마나 how / 행복하다 happy / 영화 movie / 말고 not / 소설 novel / 도 too / 재미있다 fun / 행사 event / 일찍 early / 시작하다 to start / 조금 a little bit / 종료되다 to end / 식당 restaurant / 앞 in front of / 손님 customer / 기다리다 to wait / 음식 food / 맛있다 delicious / 처럼 like / 예쁘다 pretty / 내용 content / 시험에 나오다 to be on a test / 비행기 plane / 한 번 once / 연착되다 to delay / 다음 next / 제 시간 on time / 이륙하다 to take off / 오랜만에 after a long time / 만나다 to meet / 어색하다 awkward / 오늘 today / 정말 really / 덥다 hot / 팥빙수 patbingsu / 먹다 to eat / 시원하다 cool
5. Answer
재미있을까요? / 종료될까요? / 맛있을까요? / 예쁠까요? / 시험에 나올까요? / 이륙할까요? / 어색할까요? / 시원할까요?
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