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Korean Grammar

Korean grammar '-게 되다.'

by jeongussaem 2024. 6. 12.

1. Explanation

 : '-게 되다.' is an expression that indicates results, situations, or states changed by external influences. It is attached after verbs or adjectives. So it indicates a situation where external influences lead to certain outcomes or changes in circumstances or states. This expression can be conjugates any kind of verbs or adjectives. Also don't need to care about ending of verb stem. You can always conjugate this like 'Verb stem + -게 되다.' or 'Adjective stem + -게 되다'. 


 *Past tense

   '-게 되다.' => It conjugates with '-었-' => '-게 되었다.' 


 *Spoken language

   1) Present tense

    '-게 되다.'  => '-게 되어요.'

    '되어' can be contracted to '돼' => '-게 돼요.'

   2) Past tense

    '-게 되었다.' => '-게 되었어요.'

    '되었' can be contracted to '됐'=> '-게 됐어요.'


2. Examples

 옆에 있다가 우연히 듣게 됐어요. (I heard it by chance while being next to it.)

 *듣다 to hear

  1) A verb stem is '듣-'

  2) It conjugates with '-게 되다.'

  3) Make it as past tense '-게 되었다.'

  4) Make it as spoken language '-게 됐어요.'  

  4) 듣게 됐어요.


 드라마가 너무 재밌어서, 밤새 보게 됐어요. (The drama was so interesting that I watched it all night.)

 *보다 to watch

  1) A verb stem is '보-'

  2) It conjugates with '-게 되다.'

  3) Make it as past tense '-게 되었다.'

  4) Make it as spoken language '-게 됐어요.'  

  5 보게 됐어요.


 떡볶이가 너무 매운데, 계속 먹게 돼요. (The tteokbokki is too spicy, but I keep eating it.)

 *먹다 to eat

  1) A verb stem is '먹-'

  2) It conjugates with '-게 되다.'

  3) Make it as spoken language '-게 돼요.'

  4) 먹게 돼요.


 이직을 하면서 제주도에 살게 됐어요. (When I changed my jobs I ended up living in Jeju Island.)

 *살다 to live

  1) A verb stem is '살-'

  2) It conjugates with '-게 되다.'

  3) Make it as past tense '-게 되었다.'

  4) Make it as spoken language '-게 됐어요.'  

  5) 살게 됐어요.


 졸리면 나도 모르게 커피를 마시게 돼요. (I drink coffee without knowing it when I'm sleepy.)

 *마시다 to drink

  1) A verb stem is '마시-'

  2) It conjugates with '-게 되다.'

  3) Make it as spoken language '-게 돼요.'

  3) 마시게 돼요.


 피곤해서 쇼핑을 안 하게 돼요. (I don't go shopping because I'm tired.)

 *쇼핑을 하다 to shop

  1) A verb stem is '쇼핑을 하-'

  2) It conjugates with '-게 되다.'

  3) Make it as spoken language '-게 돼요.'

  4) 쇼핑을 하게 돼요.

  5) Add '안' to make it as negative sentence

  6) 쇼핑을 안 하게 돼요.


 매일 그림을 그리다 보니 그림을 잘 그리게 됐어요. (While I draw every day, I'm going to be good at drawing.)

 *그리다 to draw

  1) A verb stem is '그리-'

  2) It conjugates with '-게 되다.'

  3) Make it as past tense '-게 되었다.'

  4) Make it as spoken language '-게 됐어요.'  

  5) 그리게 됐어요.


 어머니가 건축가라 건축 공학을 공부하게 됐어요. (My mother is an architect, so I started to studying architectural engineering.)

 *공부하다 to study

  1) A verb stem is '공부하-'

  2) It conjugates with '-게 되다.'

  3) Make it as past tense '-게 되었다.'

  4) Make it as spoken language '-게 됐어요.'  

  5) 공부하게 됐어요.


  방만 청소하려고 했는데, 온 집을 청소하게 됐어요. (I intended to clean only my room, but finally cleaned the whole house.)

 *청소하다 to clean

  1) A verb stem is '청소하-'

  2) It conjugates with '-게 되다.'

  3) Make it as past tense '-게 되었다.'

  4) Make it as spoken language '-게 됐어요.'  

  5) 청소하게 됐어요.


 말로 전하지 못한 이야기를 편지로 쓰게 됐어요. (I ended up to write the stories in letters that I couldn't delivered in words.)

 *쓰다 to write

  1) A verb stem is '쓰-'

  2) It conjugates with '-게 되다.'

  3) Make it as past tense '-게 되었다.'

  4) Make it as spoken language '-게 됐어요.'  

  5) 쓰게 됐어요.


3. Practice

  After eating Buldak bokkeummyeon several times, I became good at eating spicy food.

  불닭 볶음면을 여러 번 먹으니까, 매운 음식을 잘 __________________. ( *먹다 - to eat )


  I keep forgetting not important things frequently.

  중요하지 않은 일들을 자꾸만 __________________. ( *까먹다 to forget )


  Because I knew the details of inside story, I changed my mind.

  자세한 내막을 알게 되어서 마음을 __________________. ( *바꾸다 to change )


  Finally I got the first edition of Harry Portter.

  드디어 해리포터 초판본을 __________________. ( *구하다 to get )


  Because it's urgent, I contacted you at midnight.

  급한 일이라서 늦은 밤 __________________. ( *연락하다 to contact )


  I had other plans, so I leaved in advance.

  다른 일정이 있어서 먼저 __________________. ( *출발하다 to leave )


  Because we live in same neighborhood, so we often encounter each other.

  같은 동네에 살아서 자주 __________________. ( *마주치다 to encounter )


  After meals, I drink a tea habitually.

  식사 후 습관적으로 차를 __________________. ( *마시다 to drink )


  Even if I don't need it, when it's discounted a lot, Finally I'm buying it.

  필요 없는 물건도 할인을 많이 하면 결국 __________________. ( *사다 to buy )


4. Vocabulary

 옆 next to / 우연히 by chance / 듣다 to hear / 드라마 drama / 너무 too / 재밌다 interesting / 밤새 all night / 보다 to watch / 떡볶이 tteokbokki / 맵다 spicy / -은데 but / 계속 -게 되다 keep - / 먹다 to eat / 이직 change one's job / 제주도 Jejudo Island / 살다 to live / 졸리다 sleepy / 나도 모르게 not knowing it / 커피 coffee / 마시다 to drink / 피곤하다 tired / 쇼핑을 하다 to shop / 매일 everyday / 그림을 그리다 to draw / 잘하다 be good at / 어머니 mother / 건축가 architect / 건축 공학 architectural engineering / 공부하다 to study / 방 room / 청소하다 to clean / 온 whole / 집 house / 말 in word / 전하다 to deliver / 이야기 story / 편지 letter / 쓰다 to write / 여러 번 several times / 음식 food / 중요하다 important / 일 thing / 자꾸만 frequently / 까먹다 to forget / 자세한 details / 내막 inside story / 알다 to know / 마음을 바꾸다 change one's mind / 드디어 finally / 초판본 first edition / 급한 일 urgent / 늦은 밤 midnight / contacted / 다른 other / 일정 plan / 먼저 in advance / 출발하다 to leave / 같은 same / 동네 neighborhood / 자주 often / 마주치다 to encounter / 식사 meal / 후 after / 습관적으로 habitually / 차 tea / 마시다 to drink / 필요 없다 don't need / 물건 stuff / 할인하다 discount / 많이 a lot / 결국 finally / 사다 to buy


5. Answer

 잘 먹게 됐어요. / 까먹게 돼요. / 바꾸게 됐어요. / 구하게 됐어요. / 연락하게 됐어요. / 출발하게 됐어요. / 마주치게 돼요. / 마시게 됐어요. / 사게 됐어요. 
