1. Explanation
: '-는데/ㄴ데/은데(2)' is the connecting particle which indicates contrast. It indicates that a different situation or result of the preceding clause continues in the following clause. It is used when stating 2 contrasting facts or situations.
It conjugates with varrious forms. So, we should check the form of each case. First, when it conjugates with the verb, you can conjugates the verb stems with '-는데'. If the verb stem ends with the final consonant 'ㄹ', you should drop the final consonant 'ㄹ'. Second, if the adjective stem ends with the consonant, you should conjugates the adjective stem with '-은데'. However when adjective stem ends with the vowel or the consonant 'ㄹ', you have to conjugates the adjective stem with '-ㄴ데'.
There are 2 exceptions for this grammar. First, '-이다. / -아니다.' conjugates with '-ㄴ데'. Second, '-있다. / -없다.' conjugates with '-는데'.
* Summary
1) Verb stem + '-는데'
2) Adjective stem (consonant ending) + '-은데'
3) Adjective stem (vowel ending, 'ㄹ' ending)+ '-ㄴ데'
4) -이다. / -아니다. + '-ㄴ데'
5) -있다. / -없다. + '-는데'
2. Examples
한국어를 좋아하는데 아직 잘하지 못해요. (I like Korea, but I'm not good at it yet.)
*좋아하다 to like
1) A verb stem is '좋아하-'
2) It conjugates with '-는데'
3) 좋아하는데
콜라는 마시는데 사이다는 마시지 않아요. (I drink cola, but don't drink cider.)
*마시다 to drink
1) A verb stem is '마시-'
2) It conjugates with '-는데'
3) 마시는데
해리포터를 다시 읽는데 처음 읽는 기분이에요. (I'm reading Harry Potter again, and it feels like I'm reading it for the first time.)
*읽다 to read
1) A verb stem is '읽-'
2) It conjugate with '-는데'
3) 읽는데
저는 글을 잘 쓰는데 그림은 못 그려요. (I'm good at writing, but I can't draw.)
*쓰다 to write
1) A verb stem is '쓰-'
2) It conjugates with '-는데'
3) 쓰는데
맥북은 이쁜데 너무 비싸요. (A macbook is pretty, but it's too expensive.)
*이쁘다 pretty
1) An adjective stem is '이쁘-'
2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅡ'
3) 이쁜데
방 안은 시원한데 밖은 더워요. (The inside of the room is cool, but the outside is hot.)
*시원하다 cool
1) An adjective stem is '시원하-'
2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅏ'
3) It conjugates with '-ㄴ데'
4) 시원한데
2층은 좁은데 1층이 넓어요. (The second floor is narrow, but the first floor is spacious.)
*좁다 narrow
1) An adjective stem is '좁-'
2) It ends with a consonant 'ㅂ'
3) It conjugates with '-은데'
4) 좁은데
옷은 많은데 입을 옷이 없어요. (I have a lot of clothes, but I don't have anything to wear.)
*많다 many
1) An adjective stem is '많-'
2) It ends with a consonant 'ㄶ'
3) It conjugates with '-은데'
4) 많은데
탈리아는 바레인 사람인데 한국어를 정말 잘해요. (Talia is from Bahrain, but she speaks Korean very well.)
*이다 be verb
1) A form of the word is '-이다'
2) It conjugates with '-ㄴ데'
3) 사람인데
핸드폰이 분명히 방에 있는데 못 찾겠어요. (My phone is definitely in the room, but I can't find it.)
*있다 meaning of existance
1) An Adjective stem is '있-'
2) It ends with a consonant 'ㅆ'
3) It conjugates with '-는데'
4) 있는데
3. Practice
My friend is good at dance, not good at sining.
제 친구는 춤은 잘 _____________ 노래는 잘 못 불러요 ( *춤을 추다 to dance )
Literally I practice everyday, but my skills aren't improving.
문자 그대로 매일 _____________ 실력이 안 늘어요. ( *연습하다 to practice )
I drink watermelon juice for the first time, it's really sweet.
수박주스를 처음 _____________ 진짜 달콤해요. ( *마시다 to drink )
I'm sad because my score is bad, but I'm happy because the exam is over.
성적이 나빠서 _____________ 시험이 끝나서 기뻐요. ( *슬프다 sad )
It's snowing in Seoul, but Dubai is hot.
서울은 지금 눈이 _____________ 두바이는 더워요. ( *오다 to come )
I'm so sleepy but don't want to get a sleep.
너무 _____________ 잠을 자기는 싫어요. ( *졸리다 sleepy )
The 불닭볶음면 is too spicy, but it makes me keep eating.
불닭볶음면이 너무 _____________ 계속 먹게 돼요. ( *맵다 spicy / *ㅂ irregular drop )
4. Vocabulary
한국어 Korean / 좋아하다 to like / 아직 yet / 잘하지 못하다 be not good at / 콜라 cola / 마시다 to drink / 사이다 cider / 다시 again / 읽다 to read / 처음 first / 기분 feeling / 글을 쓰다 to write / 그림 picture / 그리다 to draw / 이쁘다 pretty / 너무 too / 비싸다 expensive / 방 room / 안 inside / 시원하다 cool / 밖 outside / 덥다 hot / 2층 second floor / 좁다 narrow / 1층 first floor / 넓다 wide / 옷 clothes / 많다 many / 입다 to wear / 없다 there is no / 잘하다 be good at / 핸드폰 phone / 분명히 definitely / 찾다 to find / 제 my / 친구 friend / 춤을 추다 to dance / 노래를 부르다 to sing / 문자 그대로 literally / 매일 everyday / 실력 skill / 연습하다 to practice / 수박 watermelon / 주스 juice / 마시다 to drink / 진짜 really / 달콤하다 sweet / 성적 score / 나쁘다 bad / 슬프다 sad / 시험 exam / 끝나다 be over / 지금 now / 눈이 오다 to snow / 덥다 hot / 졸리다 sleepy / 잠을 자다 to sleep / -기 싫다 don't want to - / 맵다 spicy / 계속 continuously / -게 되다 become
5. Answer
추는데 / 연습하는데 / 마시는데 / 슬픈데 / 오는데 / 졸린데 / 매운데
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