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Korean Grammar

Korea grammar '-는데/-ㄴ데/은데(1)'

by jeongussaem 2024. 6. 4.

1. Explanation

 : '-는데/ㄴ데/은데(1)' is connecting particle used to present background or situation. This conjugation indicates that the preceding clause is the background of the following clause or situation which is related with following clause. So it is commonly used to explain the relevant background or situation before describing, questioning, instructing, or suggesting in the following cluase.

 It conjugates with varrious forms. So, we should check the form of each case. First, when it conjugates with the verb, you can conjugates the verb stems with '-는데'. If the verb stem ends with the final consonant 'ㄹ', you should drop the final consonant 'ㄹ'. Second, if the adjective stem ends with the consonant, you should conjugates the adjective stem with '-은데'. However when adjective stem ends with the vowel or the consonant 'ㄹ', you have to conjugates the adjective stem with '-ㄴ데'.

 There are 2 exceptions for this grammar. First, '-이다. / -아니다.' conjugates with '-ㄴ데'. Second, '-있다. / -없다.' conjugates with '-는데'. 


 * Summary

  1) Verb stem + '-는데'

  2) Adjective stem (consonant ending) + '-은데'

  3) Adjective stem (vowel ending, 'ㄹ' ending)+ '-ㄴ데'

  4) -이다. / -아니다. + '-ㄴ데'

  5) -있다. / -없다. + '-는데'


2. Examples

 영상을 찍는데 녹음 버튼을 안 눌렀어요. (I didn't press the record button when I was taking a video.)

 *영상을 찍다 to take a video

  1) A verb stem is '찍-'

  2) It conjugates with '-는데'

  3) 찍는데


 저 지금 편의점에 가는데 필요한 거 있어요? (I'm going to go convenience store, do you need anything?)

 *가다 to go

  1) A verb stem is '가-'

  2) It conjugates with '-는데'

  3) 가는데  


 미국에서 친구가 오는데 어디로 가야 될까요? (My friend is coming from the United States, where should we go?) 

 *오다 to come

  1) A verb stem is '오-'

  2) It conjugates with '-는데'

  3) 오는데


 고양이와 함께 사는데 너무 행복해요. (I'm so happy living with my cat.)

 *살다 to live

  1) A verb stem is '살-'

  2) It ends with a consonant 'ㄹ'

  3) A consonanat 'ㄹ' is dropped

  4) It conjugates with '-는데'

  5) 사는데


 배가 너무 고픈데 같이 라면 먹을래요? (I'm really hungry, do you want to eat ramen togheter?) 

 *배가 고프다 hungry

  1) An adjective stem is '고프-'

  2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅡ'

  3) It conjugates with '-ㄴ데'

  4) 고픈데


 심심한데 영화 보러 갈래요? (I'm bored, do you want to go watch a movie?)

 *심심하다 bored

  1) An adjective stem is '심심하-'

  2) It ends with a vowel 'ㅏ'

  3) It conjugates with '-ㄴ데'

  4) 심심한데


 날씨 정말 좋은데 한강에서 치맥 먹어요. (The weather is really nice, do you want to have chicken and beer by the Hangang River?)

 *좋다 good

  1) An adjective stem is '좋-'

  2) It end with a consonant 'ㅎ'

  3) It conjugates with '-은데'

  4) 좋은데 


 모니터 높이가 낮은데 모니터암 설치해 줄까요? (The monitor is too low, should I install a monitor arm for you?)

 *낮다 low

  1) An adjective stem is '낮-'

  2) It ends with a consonant 'ㅈ'

  3) It conjugates with '-은데'

  4) 낮은데


 새로 산 책인데 정말 흥미로워요. (This book is a new book that I bought and it's really interesting.)

 *이다 be verb

  1) A form of the word is '-이다'

  2) It conjugates with '-ㄴ데'

  3) 책인데


 BLACKPINK 콘서트 티켓이 있는데 필요해요? (I have tickets for the BLACKPINK concert, do you need them?)

 *있다 to have

  1) An adjective stem is '있-'

  2) It conjugates with '-는데'

  3) 있는데


3. Practice

  Your clothes are so pretty, where did you buy that?

  옷이 너무 __________ 어디에서 샀어요? ( *이쁘다 pretty )


  Do you have any plans for this weekend?

  오늘 주말 __________ 약속 있어요? ( *이다 be verb )


  It's my first time trying it, and it's so sweet.

  처음 __________ 진짜 달콤해요. ( *마시다 to drink )


  It's too quiet, I'll play some music.

  너무 __________ 음악이라도 틀게요. ( *조용하다 quiet )


  I'm busy right now. Can we talk 30 minutes later?

  지금 __________ 30분 뒤에 이야기할까요? ( *바쁘다 busy )


  It's raining, should we walk a little faster?

  비가 __________ 조금만 빨리 걸을까요? ( *오다 to come )


  I'm tired, but the movie is so interesting that I can't sleep.

  __________  영화가 재밌어서 잘 수가 없어요. ( *피곤하다 tired )


4. Vocabulary

  영상 video / 찍다 take / 녹음 recording / 버튼 button / 누르다 to press / 지금 now / 편의점 convenience store / 가다 to go / 필요하다 to need / 미국 United State / 친구 friend / 오다 to come / 어디 where / 고양이 cat / 함께 together / 살다 to live / 너무 too / 행복하다 happy / 배가 고프다 hungry / 라면 ramen / 먹다 to eat / 심심하다 bored / 영화 movie / 보다 to watch / 날씨 weather / 정말 really / 좋다 nice, fine / 한강 Hangang River / 치맥 chicken and beer / 먹다 to eat / 모니터 monitor / 높이 height / 낮다 low / 모니터 암 monitor arm / 설치하다 install / 새 new / 사다 to buy / 흥미롭다 interesting / 콘서트 concert / 티켓 ticket / 옷 clothes / 이쁘다 pretty / 오늘 today / 주말 weekend / 약속 plan / 처음 first time / 진짜 really / 달콤하다 sweet / 조용하다 quiet / 음악 music / (음악을) 틀다 play (some music) / 지금 now / 뒤 later / 이야기하다 to talk / 비가 오다 rain / 조금만 a little / 빨리 fast / 걷다 to walk / 피곤하다 tired / 영화 movie / 재밌다 interesting / 자다 to sleep


5. Answer

  이쁜데 / 인데 / 마시는데 / 조용한데 / 바쁜데 / 오는데 / 피곤한데
